Former IDF Intelligence Chief: I Do Not Endorse Barak Obama

The Jewish Council for Education and Research has prepared a short video intended to boost the presidential campaign of US Senator Barak Obama.
The film, which will be released on Monday, will show eight former IDF officers who are voicing their approval of Obama’s position vis-à-vis Mideast policy. At least two of the former IDF officers have already announced their remarks have been distorted.
Uzi Dayan, a former chief of military intelligence, is angered by the use of his name, albeit without his permission and presenting him supporting a position he does not endorse. He said the use of his name for the endorsement is “fraudulent and deceitful”.
“I never supported him and I demand the organization that is using my name remove it immediately, and I am weighing legal action”. His words were more or less echoed by Ephraim Halevy, a former Mossad Intelligence Agency director. He too appears in the video and he too calls the unauthorized use of his name “deceitful and fraudulent”.
“I never said anything whatsoever that could be interpreted as my supporting Obama’s presidential campaign” added Halevy.
Also appearing in the promotional video are former IDF Chief of Staff Amnon Lipkin-Shachak, and former officers Major-General Amram Mitzna, Brigadier-Generals Shlomo Brum, Yossi Alper and Giora Amber (Mossad) and Colonel Shaul Arieli.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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