Israel: Changing Over to Standard Time

clock.gifFolks living in Eretz Yisroel will be moving their clocks to standard time on Motzei Shabbos – turning their clocks one hour back.

At 2:00am Sunday morning (Motzei Shabbos to Sunday) clocks will be turned back one hour. That will result in a six hour difference in time between Jerusalem and the East Coast of the United States.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Everyone except Yeshivas Toras Moshe that is…they don’t turn the clocks back ’till Motzoei Yom Kippur so that they don’t have to wake up at 5:30 on Yom Kippur, but 6:30…

  2. Why can’t the US, Europe and Israel agree on one day to change? The idea that being earlier or later helps anyone is ridiculous. If Yom Kippur gets done an hour early, it means the fast started an hour early. If someone is rushed more on Erev Shabbos, someone else is rushed less on Motsei Shabbos.

  3. acctually the gabbi in ToMo informed me that this year they will be changing the clocks along with the rest of klall yisroel (and they usually get up at 530 anyway and then finish an hour after everyone else)

  4. Most ridiculous plan to turn the clocks back a month earlier than the entire world, it causes such anger to secular jews in Israel and makes the frummies look like idiots…..

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