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UPDATED – Possible Abduction in Yerushalayim: Police Set Up Roadblocks

mishtara2.jpg4:38PM IL: [UPDATE BELOW] Police in Yerushalayim have set up roadblocks after receiving reports that four Arabs forced an 8-year-old child into a beige colored vehicle in the Romeima neighborhood. The report is based on an eyewitness account.

Police fear the child may be the victim of a terrorist abduction. The report is not confirmed at this time but police are taking it seriously and have set up checkpoints in the hope of apprehending the vehicle before it leaves the capital.

UPDATE 5:32PM IL: As Yerushalayim prepares to usher in the Shabbos there is no update from police regarding an earlier report of a possible abduction.

According to an eyewitness report received shortly after 4:00PM Friday, four “suspicious men”, who appeared to be Arabs, forced a child, 8 or 9-years-old, into a beige vehicle and drove off.

The incident took place on Yirmiyahu Street in Romeima. Police established roadblocks to prevent the suspect vehicle from leaving the capital. As the YWN Israel Bureau shuts down for Shabbos there is no update on the incident.

We hope for besuros tovos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. take it easy browser…
    let’s not be too naive, ok…
    there are quite a few things that aren’t in the “major israeli papers”…

  2. the point is, you’re probably smart enough to realize something can happen and the “major papers” won’t report on it right away… or at all.

  3. It was also mentioned on Friday on Arutz 7 and on Hnn. Baruch HaShem it seems to have been a false alarm. May HKBH protect the whole of Klal Yisroel even from just a “tzel” of tragedy

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