It has already become a trend for thieves to steel the metallic doors built into cemetery plots, used to close a door to permit the lighting of a yahrzeit light. Thieves also commonly vandalize IDF memorials, once again, removing the precious metals, which are sold by weight.
The latest new trend appears to be copper gas lines found in most private homes around the country. In the “A” and “B” neighborhoods of Ashdod, dozens of residents found themselves without gas over Yomtov, learning thieves had cut away and stolen the exposed copper tubes that run from gas cylinders to their home.
Lachish district fire department spokesman Moshe Amar reports that many calls from areas “A” and “B” came in at about 7:00AM, with residents complaining of gas outages and a strong smell of gas. Thieves apparently cut and made off with the copper lines but they did not shut off the gas prior to doing so.
Police report they do have a number of leads but as of Thursday morning, no arrests were made in the case. Officials estimate thieves made off with at least 100 meters of copper tubing.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)