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Labor Meets on Thursday Morning to Discuss Coalition Talks

Labor Party leader Ehud Barak on Thursday morning convened the Knesset faction to discuss ongoing negotiations towards joining a coalition being formed by Tzipi Livni, the Kadima Party premier-designate.

Barak stated that despite media reports to the contrary, the party’s inclusion in the new coalition is not a certainty, and there is much to discuss before such a conclusion may be drawn. Barak views Labor as the main coalition partner and as such, will be making major demands regarding cabinet posts and other appointments.

Barak and senior party officials exchanged views and discussed the various possibilities for the party’s inclusion in the new government. Faction members are aware however that going to the polls will not be a beneficial move, with some polls showing Labor may emerge a significantly smaller party, numbering in the single digits.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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