Traffic Violations Online in Israel

mishtara24.jpgIsrael Police traffic enforcement officials are seeking new and effective ways to combat traffic violations in the ongoing war against road deaths, which are up in 2008. Beginning in 2009, 300 digital cameras installed nationwide will begin providing police with a real-time online view of certain serious traffic offences.

The idea is that offenders passing a red light or driving at an excessive speed will be apprehended in real-time view.

Today, while there are hundreds of still cameras installed nationwide, most are actually dummies intended to deter motorists from breaking the law. Only a small number actualize photograph violators.

Of the 300 new cameras, 200 will detect speeding and the remainder capable of detecting a car running a red traffic signal. Dummy cameras will also be installed, better versions that will be more difficult to detect from the real ones in the hope promoting better driving habits.

Police are also faced with the issue of vandalism. Recently, a southern area resident was arrested, apprehended setting fire to two speed cameras. In other situations, people paint the lenses of the cameras to render them useless. The new cameras will send a clear photo of the vandals to police in real-time, perhaps increasing their ability to apprehend suspects, vandals and motorists alike.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. The Israelis havent learned for the Bloomberg buisness model, that Traffic & Parking tickets are REVENUE BOOSTERS.In Israel parking & traffic tickets are still considered annyoyances which can be ignored(Like 1960s &1970s NYC)When they treat them like REVENUE BOOSTERS not enforcement tools then the Israeli Public will pay attention. Here in NY the main Idea is REVENUE then compliance. Israel is Compliance first then revenue.

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