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Livni Officially Given the Premiership Mandate

19:55 IL: The recently-elected leader of the Kadima Party, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, is now meeting with President Shimon Peres who is officially notifying her that she is being selected for the task of forming a new coalition government.

Livni was elected to replace Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as the party chairman in last week’s primary election. Mr. Olmert submitted his resignation to the president on Sunday evening.

Following the joint press conference following their meeting, Mr. Peres will officially announce that Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik has been notified and the foreign minister is his choice as the most suited candidate to form a coalition government. Livni will have a period of six weeks to complete the task.

While Livni’s selection was expected, she does not enjoy widespread support and many feel she will at best succeed in assembling a minority government that will have to rest on the goodwill of the Arab and left-wing opposition parties to remain alive.

20:09 IL:
President Shimon Peres, following his meeting with Tzipi Livni, delivered a statement to the media, information the nation that he has placed the responsibility for forming a government on Tzipi Livni. Mr. Peres stated that following the resignation of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, he met with representatives of all 13 Knesset parties and he feels this is the best choice. He calls on all lawmakers to cooperate and do their utmost towards the establishment of a new coalition in an expeditious fashion.

Mr. Peres added that Mrs. Livni is well-aware of the severity of the responsibility placed in her hands and she has accepted the task.

In her remarks, the foreign minister acknowledged receiving the mandate to assembly the next coalition government. She stated that she will do her utmost to succeed in her task and assemble a stable coalition, thereby avoiding elections.

She praised the actions of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for submitting his resignation for the good of the nation. Ms. Livni stated she is well-aware of the challenges facing the State of Israel, security, economic, and social, realizing that the next government must be one that includes all the parties of the house.

The status of “uncertainty” has been with us for too long, she explained, calling for cooperation towards stability and setting up a new government. This she explained is the first priority.

Livni made a personal call to opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu, as well as to current coalition partners, to come forward and respond to the call of the hour, the formation of a broad-based stable coalition government.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. deepthinker: you’re absolutely right. Livni is Olmert “light.”

    Until Livni forms a government, Olmert remains PM. If a gov’t can’t be formed, Olmert remains PM until elections are held, which could take many months. He will create much destruction while he remains in office.

    In the Parsha on the Eirev Rav, Olmerts name was found spelled backward. There is also a reference to Shimon Peres. “Heaven help us” is right!

    I think the best strategy would be to help Livni form a government and then immediately take it down. That would make Livni interim PM instead of Olmert. She is much weaker and it be far more difficult for her to wreck havoc.

    My fear is, that Shas will sell out again.

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