A peaceful Asifa led by Sefardi Gedolim and rabbonim against Chareidi conscription into the IDF spiraled into chaos on Shmuel Hanavi Street today, as demonstrators clashed with police and Border Police forces. What began as a peaceful rally, turned violent when dozens of participants blocked roads, damaged buses, and hurled stones and objects at law enforcement.
In one alarming incident, a Border Policewoman’s helmet visor was shattered by a stone.
Police attempted to restore order with loudspeaker warnings, but as the rioting persisted, officers moved to disperse the crowd using force. Insults like “Shiksa” and “Nazis” were shouted at the officers, drawing sharp condemnation from authorities. One rioter was arrested for attacking police, and efforts to reopen the road continue.
Israel Police vowed to crack down on such violent acts, stating, “The behavior of these lawbreakers is worthy of all condemnation. We will not tolerate disruptions to public order.” Video and photo evidence of the unrest has been released, highlighting the intensity of the confrontation.
After an hour and a half of rioting and causing damage to dozens of traffic signs, attempting to set buses on fire, burning dozens of trash cans, and attacking police officers with bottles and objects, large forces of police, riot police began forcibly dispersing hundreds of rioters with batons.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
36 Responses
Talmedai chachomim shteiging in the street. Sad.
I know all the usual self-haters will call them barbarians and make fun of their learning as a waste of time and all that, but just remember that throughout the chumash there was times when the Jews had to be violent when faced with spiritual threats. And yes, Moshe Rabbenu even killed people as well. This disgusting government that favors Arabs over Jewish citizens are not going to dictate to us and stomp on our religion.
Go ahead all you Chareidi hating Jews
Go ahead all you chareidi hating Jews.
Maybe your votes for WZO will help.
they are trying to take away their olam habah worse than trying to kill someone
gadol hamachtio yoser min hahorgo
the state and its supporters are therefore rodfim of the highest order
and eyn lohem domim. haboh lehorgicha hashkeim lihorgo
yes taking a ben Torah or any yid and placing him in the idf is machtio
They should join the army and fight terrorists. Instead they join the street and fight the police.
perhaps Reb Malkiel wants to change his speech to
“how can frum people act like this”?
perhaps Rabbi feldman can address this wild animal behaviour
why arend there pic of the actual hafgono, attended by the gdoilim??
Chacham moshe tsadka,abd many ather tsadikim,why only show a group of wild demostraters?
thats biased
Why is limud hatorah enough to protect us from the Arabs, but not from the giyus? Appearantly Hishtadlus is only necessary for some things but not others.
Commenters about the wzo, please keep all irrevelant hate comments to yourself. For the record, many Rabbanim, including the ones you have mentioned have condemned violent protests and have spoken publicly against them. They have all said that this is not the mehalech of Bnei Torah to be violent and there are other ways of combatting the gezeirah.
Shiksa? The Sephardim are speaking Yiddish?
In any event, in Israel peaceful rallies never motivates the government to change.
I love how those who criticize these boys have nothing against the Supreme Court that visits terrorists in jail and make sure that they have enough delicious food and a great lawyer. A group of pigs that get us killed constantly and Cave into our enemies, that doesn’t bother you, but poor Yeshiva Boys who live on bread and water let’s make sure they have nothing and give up their learning to hang out with girls who have tattoos and curse all day in uniform
A person raises his voice and starts jabbing his finger towards the other person when he knows he’s wrong. Or he’s drunk. Isn’t this an obligatory war for self-defence? If so, why aren’t you pitching in? And instead you are tying up resources and slowing the economy with disruption. Are others “happy to take up the cause”. “Happy to pay taxes to support our lifestyle.” Are they happy to do so? What if your food and books and electricity are delayed because of your protests?
It’s bein hazmanim.
(Zrizim makdimim, after Purim those who are scrupulous begin)
-What else are they supposed to do?
Playing ball is assur.
Working is assur.
Learning is over.
This seems as good a way as any to keep busy, no?
Kudos ywn for accurately reporting.
You assuming, the rioters were “Bnei Torah”, which may well not be the case! There are enough trouble makers out there, who are not part of any Yeshivah or Kollel.
they should do this every day until the downfall of these wicked ppl
May Hashem have mercy on all those young boys who are ruthlesly attacked while standing up for the Torah and mitzvos.
I just want to ask to whoever thinks that this kind of behavior is acceptable, just one simple question and I want an honest answer. Does the Ribbono Shel Oilam really want yeshiva bochurim – who should be in yeshiva learning, and young children who should be at home, out there disrupting traffic and fighting with the police thus causing such a widespread Chillul H-shem as its splashed all over the Israeli media? Simple question.
I have watched many of these type of videos as well as having witnessed some of these Hafganos first hand. In ALL casas -including the above, there is hardly any ”violence” from the chareidim. It is always the police and soldiers who are being EXTREMELY violent!!! In the video above, all you see is the police beating a yeshiva Bachur!
I certainly do not agree with the methods of blocking streets and name calling, however, to report these incidents as though the yeshiva Bachurim act with extreme violence is simply incorrect.
What a beautiful kiddush sheim shomayim!! Wow!!!!🤩
Such kannauis!!!! So wonderful!!!!
The biryoinim would be proud!!!!!
A kiddush HASHEM!!
The INSANE title goes on the ruthless riot police; they don’t even act like that in Ramallah.
If such a video with an Arab instead of bachur would be released, Israel would be in an International PR disaster.
(it makes no difference where you stand on the draft issue..)
Regarding the “shiksa” comment, it would be compared to entering the Bronx in a KKK costume and expecting the residents not to call you a ..
The Nazi comment is wrong and so are the actions of the authorities.
If the Rabbi says it’s a mitzvah to blow up the army 600 talmidim will go marching to do it
rebEmes, why are you claiming these are _yeshiva_ boys!!? This is pure loshon horo.
Whatever their affiliation is, these are not “bnei Torah” and I don’t think tzahal is interested in them also.
any reason my comment was not posted?
RebEmes and lbj, i assume you want their olam habah; dnjoy the fires of gehinnom.
The police should just not show up. If they boycotted a week of protests all protests would stop.
I am willing to bet you 100 billion dollars in cash that a true
גדול בישראל
will never allow a 10 year old boy to participate in such a violent hafgana. I saw the video and I see young children at the Hafgana.
So what is the father thinking, I will send my child to the Hafgana, it is a real big Mitzva this Hafgana, and if my son comes home with broken bones-no problem- I have 10 other children that are good and healthy. Sending kids to the Hafgana is exactly like
ומזרעך לא תתן להעביר למלך ולא תחלל את שם אלהי-ך אני השם
History repeats itself-many years ago some fathers burnt their own children and today I can see in the videos that we are doing the same thing all over again.
Please let us not forget that by the second
חורבן בית המקדש
the Yidden were super Frum-Tzizis under their shirt and also Tzizis on top of their shirt-Rabeinu Tam Tefillin-davening with the Netz-white shirt black hat-even when they were driving a car-black jacket black hat-I mean really super Frum-Machmir in millions of areas-Toiveling in the Mikva every day-on Friday twice Toiveling-they learnt a lot of Torah-They had large Payos and large beards-they were very Yeshivish and very Chasidish a nice combination. All of a sudden-suddenly- came the Churban-more then 3 million people dead-Frum and not Frum-they were not even buried for many years.
It goes to show you that even a Frum person can make a fatal mistake.
With their fighting spirit, they are just what the IDF needs.
According to the past directer of the Mossad israeli CIA these protests at organized by the Mossad. Why you ask. Because they figure that if Iran sees these protests their hatred of Jews who are religious will g bt e less. This was articles in interviews with the Mossad chief. I once spoke to Neturei karta head whom I grew up with and ask him why he does it. He told me to keep Frum yidden safe and reduce the dangerous level of hate against heimisha yidden.
Where are the parents? the average age seems to be about 10-15 years ago
Hickey mouse I live and work in beit she.esh and you are 100% wrong. The violence is instigated by extremists who chase soldiers, throw bottles, diapers, and eggs, break car windows, set bins on fire, and only this month turned over the mayor’s car and injured his son. You are woefully ignorant. I’m not defending the police, but they are reacting to the violence not starting it. Removing a person sitting in the road and blocking traffic requires force, and these boys don’t go willingly.
“YOSSIES says:
March 27, 2025 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm
perhaps Reb Malkiel wants to change his speech to
“how can frum people act like this”
perhaps Rabbi feldman can address this wild animal behaviour”
Whoever you are you should watch the why you talk about gedolim!!!!!!!!!
And keep your mouth shut pls
We need all types of fighters for yiddishkeit just as the army has an Air Force,navy,paratroopers and spies. We need young fighters on the streets just as we need trained yeshiva boys who do kiruv. It’s not a contradiction. You are fighting a dangerous enemy of tziyonim whose goal is to eradicate Torah. Don’t be fooled. Notice traffic is allowed to pass among orthodox Jewish Israelis who are respectful of the government on shabbos. But streets that people fought with blood are closed on shabbos. Those streets don’t have gay flags flying during their gay parades month. We need so called extremists otherwise israel will turn into sodom. My message to these heroic young protesters. Keep up your good and holy work.