After Israeli leftists spent hours protesting on the streets this week and threatening a civil war, the coalition succeeded in passing a judicial reform bill overnight Wednesday.
No other country in the world has a judicial selection process like Israel, with a leftist echo chamber responsible for electing its judges, shackling the elected government. And the bill that passed overnight, a watered-down version of the original bill, is not enough to change the composition of the courts and its authoritarian power – it is only a tiny baby step to correcting what is wrong with the judicial system and restoring autonomy to the government.
All the bill does is slightly change the makeup of the Judicial Selection Committee, which is comprised of three Supreme Court justices, two representatives of the Israel Bar Association (IBA), two ministers, and two MKs. The bill replaces the two IBA members with two public representatives [lawyers], one appointed by the coalition and one by the opposition. The bill will only go into effect in the next Knesset.
But the leftists don’t allow facts to affect their unbalanced behavior, and the opposition boycotted the vote, walking out of the plenum as it took place. They desperately tried to link the vote to the plight of the hostages, claiming that the coalition is too busy with the bill to worry about bringing the hostages home, and vowed to repeal the bill in the next government.
The Yesh Atid party and the left-wing Movement for Quality of Government promptly submitted petitions against the bill to the Supreme Court minutes after it passed.
Foreign Minister Gideon Sa’ar slammed the opposition in a speech from the Knesset plenum, saying: “You’re trying to incite Am Yisrael and threatening a civil war over this?!”
Sa’ar began by condemning the opposition’s lies and hypocrisy, commenting that it’s rare, throughout the world, that the opposition has the right of veto on all judicial selections. “But who is opposing this bill in the Israeli Knesset? The opposition.”
“And not only does it oppose it, it describes this law in apocalyptic terms. What are you screeching about? What are you condemning? The preservation of the status of Supreme Court justices as selectors at the gates of a closed members’ club? You already agreed to this in March 2023.”
“What are you protesting? Against the removal of the Bar Association from the committee? You already agreed to that. You are certainly the first opposition in the entire world that opposes granting power to the opposition to select judges.”
“And for this, you’re seeking to incite Am Yisrael and threatening a civil war!? It’s no wonder that the public isn’t responding and isn’t going out to the streets in the numbers it protested before.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
7 Responses
67 to 1 is a lot more impressive and 67 to 53! Unless it impacts on a quorum, abstaining is the usual way to communicate that you don’t endorse a piece of legislation, but don’t oppose so much you will make a fuss over it. Maybe they realized that it isn’t so bad to change the Israeli system so that the judiciary is no longer dominated by wealthy secular Ashkenazim with roots dating back to the founding of the socialists who founded the medinah.
What opposition??? Call them the Erev Rav!
For the leftists: “Democracy” means, I am allowed to vote, if the outcome is as I like, fine, otherwise, it’s my democratic right to fight the democratically elected government with all legal and illegal means…. – NEVER WILL I SUBORDINATE MY WILL TO THE MAJORITY!
Pathetic bill by the failing Likud party
1. The Israeli left defines “democracy” as including secularism, whereas most Americans define “democracy” as government by. for and of the people (though the so-called Democrats have in recent years attempted to exclude “deplorables” from being considered the people).
2. America is a role model for the Israeli left, and their opposition to changing the judiciary was based on the idea it please the American government (Biden administration), even though the current proposals are only small steps towards adopting the American model of a judiciary chosen by the politically elected leaders (or directly by the people) independent of what members of elite law firms or elite law schools want.
3. The American government changed, and the new regime doesn’t care for, and won’t object to Israeli attempts to democratize their judicial selection process.
“Frum ministers and MKs daven Shacharis before the vote.”
How is it possibly to daven in a Beis Minus (as Rav Eliyahev called the Knesset)?!?
Corruption at its finest. I don’t know how they will ever get rid of these people but if the country ever wants a future without being held on the Lefty leash they will have to find a way