GEDOLIM DECIDE: No Draft Law Ultimatum Will Be Given To Netanyahu Following High-Level Meetings

For weeks, Gedolei Torah in Eretz Yisroel have been grappling with a critical decision—whether to issue an ultimatum demanding that Prime Minister Netanyahu pass a draft exemption law by Shavuos, or risk losing the support of the United Torah Judaism (UTJ) party in the coalition. The proposal, known as the “Pindrus Plan,” had gained traction among leading Roshei Yeshiva and Rebbes, with intense discussions behind the scenes.

However, a dramatic turn of events unfolded Sunday when HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka and one of the preeminent leaders of the Torah world, indicated that UTJ would not be issuing an official ultimatum to Netanyahu. The revelation came after a rare English-language phone call between Netanyahu and Rav Hirsch earlier Sunday, a conversation that has sent shockwaves through the frum political landscape.

Netanyahu, fully aware that an ultimatum from UTJ could threaten his fragile coalition, has been working feverishly to neutralize the looming threat. Prior to his conversation with Rav Hirsch, Netanyahu had reached out to the Belzer Rebbe, who assured him that Belz and the Shlomei Emunim faction were not part of the ultimatum and had no intention of withdrawing from the coalition. This gave Netanyahu a crucial opening to pressure the remaining factions to reconsider their stance.

Netanyahu’s main concern is the three-month deadline proposed by the Litvishe Gedolim and UTJ leaders. He argued that such a short time frame was unrealistic for passing a comprehensive Draft Law and urged Torah leaders to extend the deadline beyond Tishrei to ensure a sustainable legislative process.

Following his direct intervention, Rav Hirsch relayed Netanyahu’s concerns to HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka and the leading authority of the Litvishe world. A subsequent meeting took take place between the Gerrer Rebbe and Rav Landau at the Slabodka Yeshiva in Bnei Brak on Sunday.

Rav Hirsch relayed Netanyahu’s plea to the assembled Gedolim, explaining the Prime Minister’s concerns. However, the Gedolim remained skeptical. They noted that no matter what deadline was set, Netanyahu would find excuses to delay.

After extensive deliberations, the Gedolim made a momentous decision: they will set a firm deadline for Netanyahu to pass the Draft Law by the end of the summer.

If the government fails to deliver by the set date, the Torah factions may withdraw their support for Netanyahu’s fragile coalition—a move that could potentially bring down the government.

At the same time, efforts are underway to build a unified front between the Ashkenazi and Sefardi Torah leadership. Messages from the Gedolim have been relayed to HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef, the Rishon L’Tzion and other Sefardi Gedolim in an attempt to form a solidarity pact.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. The anti draft chareidi rabbonim have played their hand and realize that they will be in an even more perilous situation if and when elections are held. The “no compromise, no giyus for any chareidi” stand has not won them any allies, other than in Lakewood and Williamsburg, but their American allies don’t control the purse strings in Israel, and those strings are closing tightly. They might try some PR instead of throwing shade on the rest of Israeli society. Tone deaf doesn’t start to describe how non-chareidim in Israel view their proclamations against the “shmad army.”

  2. Netanyahu cannot be trusted. He’ll lie, if politically necessary, and then do whatever he needs to politically survive.

  3. I wonder… do these rabbonim ever discuss the enormous burden being placed on all the reservists, men in their thirties and forties, who have had to leave their jobs and families (and sometimes their yeshivot) for months on end, some of them losing their parnasa or their marriages as a result?

  4. Do the Litvishe Roshei Yeshiva believe that if they topple the current government they will be in a stronger position? Would they rather negotiate with Avigdor Lieberman or Yair Lapid? Do they not remember what it was like to be outside the government with Naftali Bennet? Yes, a demand for a blanket deferment for all claiming to be Charedi will destroy the government, and such a law would not pass, even with Netanyahu’s blessing.

  5. It’s all a Heavenly filtering process before the Redemption, Hashem doesn’t want the evil government to have a share in supporting Torah anymore, and he also wants to see which Jews are for his people and which Jews constantly spit against them. Now he can easily see who’s Friend or Foe. I suggest you get on the right side before it’s too late

  6. It would be wise to prepare for the next government led by Bennet, a part of likud, lieberman, et. al where yet greater compromise will be required.

  7. There is an interesting game theory going on here.

    They feel like Bibi would do anything to keep the coalition and hold onto power.

    Bibi, on the other hand could tell them hey you want this fall apart? Fine. Then we’ll have the 2021 Government and this time it will be passed for real.

  8. With that Supreme Court and dictator witch in power there’s no draft law that will ever pass (or not be cancelled) that fulfills the requests of the charedi tzibbur. It’s a loss that yidden will have to live with sadly

  9. והכסף יענה את הכל

    If they make this government fall, they will lose access to government funds – since per polling, there’s almost no chance they’d be included in any government formed after elections. Chareidi parties’ main purpose for running and serving is to get $$$ from the government to support the Chareidi lifestyle – which is why this was such an obviously empty threat from the start.

    an Israeli Yid

  10. Those who oppose the charidi draft should also oppose the drafting of females to the army. Where is the outcry?

  11. Nobody3, religious women are NOT drafted into the army. Any woman who declares herself to be religious is exempt, but if she’s then caught violating halacha she will be in trouble.

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