Biale Rebbe Leads Emotional Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Pshischa, Fulfilling the Yid Hakadosh’s Tzava’ah

A momentous and deeply stirring event unfolded in the hallowed town of Pshischa, Poland on Motzei Shabbos, as for the first time since the Churban of Europe, a Hachnosas Sefer Torah took place within the 400-year-old beis medrash, a remnant of the once-flourishing Yiddishe kehillah that was tragically wiped out in the Holocaust.

This historic maamad was led by the Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak, a direct descendant of the heilige Yid Hakadosh, Rav Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowicz, zy”a, who founded the Pshischa derech—a derech of avodas Hashem rooted in emes, penimiyus, and avodah sheb’lev.

The Hachnosas Sefer Torah was more than just a simchah shel mitzvah; it was the fulfillment of the tzava’ah of the Yid Hakadosh, who instructed that in times of tzarah and hester ponim, Yidden should be mispallel at his kever and dedicate a new Sefer Torah.

Before the war, Pshischa was a vibrant makom Torah u’tefillah, a center of Chassidus and penimiyus, where the Yid Hakadosh, zy”a, and his talmidim imbued generations with their elevated avodas Hashem. But then came the days of churban, when the Nazis ym”sh desecrated its shuls, its botei medrash, and ruthlessly eradicated its Yidden, turning a mokom kodesh into a barren wasteland.

Yet, the beis medrash of the Yid Hakadosh still stood, a silent testament to its once-thriving kehilla. And now, after decades of emptiness, the very walls of this beis medrash once again shook with kedusha, as the klang of Torah, tefillah, and simchah returned to the town for the first time in generations.

The Biale Rebbe shlit”a, whose yichus traces directly to the Yid Hakadosh, traveled from Bnei Brak to lead this extraordinary maamad, accompanied by a delegation of Chassidim and Yidden from around the world. Mispallelim and mechabdei haTorah gathered from Poland, Eretz Yisroel, America, and across Europe, as well as local Poles who looked on in awe at the reawakening of a long-dormant legacy.

The Sefer Torah was carried through the town’s streets under a chuppah, just as it had been in the days before the Churban of Pshischa. Men danced with fiery hislahavus, niggunim filled the air, and tears flowed freely, as generations of pain, loss, and longing were lifted through the power of the Torah Hakdosha.

For many in attendance, the Hachnosas Sefer Torah was far more than a simchah—it was a statement to the world that Klal Yisroel endures.

In recent years, efforts to preserve the remnants of Poland’s once-glorious Jewish heritage have gained momentum, with both local and international organizations working to restore shuls, batei chaim, and historic mekomos.

As the Torah was brought home, the dancing continued late into the night, a historic bond between Pshischa and its legacy. And with that, the neshama of Pshischa breathes once more.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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