A shocking incident unfolded in Beit Shemesh as a group of Chareidi extremists launched a violent attack on Mayor Shmuel Greenberg, his family, and his vehicle. Sources tell YWN that the assailants targeted the mayor due to his efforts to support various Chareidi groups in establishing schools and securing funding for programs that include secular studies such as math and history—moves that have apparently sparked outrage among the extremists.
The assault took place as Mayor Greenberg was leaving a family Chasunah. According to a statement from the Beit Shemesh Mayor’s Office, the situation quickly escalated into chaos.
“Mayor Shmuel Greenberg was attacked by extremists as he was leaving a family celebration. His vehicle was smashed and vandalized, but the mayor and his family were rescued from the scene. The mayor’s son required medical treatment,” the statement read. “Mayor Greenberg trusts that the Israel Police will bring the lawbreakers to justice.”
The mayor’s vehicle was reportedly destroyed in the attack, and while the mayor and most of his family were safely extracted, medical attention was needed for his son.
Police in riot gear had to rescue the Mayor from the out of control group of hundreds of violent extremists. He was forced to wear a helmet as he was rescued.
The Israel Police have yet to comment on the incident.
קרדיט צילום: א”פ הפרגוד מקומי בית שמש
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
32 Responses
I thought that what machine guns were for?
Why don’t the police use them?
It’s pretty basic that people who glorify violence are unhealthy. God bless our people.
Why is this any different than the behaviors of the lowest of society.
In the name of “kannoas” against not even a minhag, they are oiver on so many dioraysas.
It’s crazy.
And the world is quiet.
Maybe we stop supporting these shnorrers when they come around.
This wild behavior is more anti Torah than anything.
Last month is was the stolen Rebba.
When will this stop?!?
I am embarrassed they call the enalteces Jews.
Do people realize these animals live off shnirring money from yeshivshe communities in America?
Maybe instead of using hard earned yiddishe gelt to support a bunch of wild animals, the money should go towards Jewish causes.
This is so sick.
These are not Chareidim, they are insane misguided sickos. Truly frum Yidden do not behave this way. Not everyone has the same hashkafa, and that’s fine, but we need to be respectful of one another.
I don’t understand, speaking out is one thing, even screaming names, but hitting? Is that not an issur deoiraisa?
Let’s not judge.
Chasidiots running wild
I’m curious if YWN asks a Rav or a Posek before publishing videos like these?! For besides it could be major Lashon Hara, it incites hatred against fellow Jews.
Lock em all up
i don’t know why everyone is upset, this guy is a tziyoni, even served in the IDF, r”l
They turned the car upside down?
Before the Churban, it was much worse. Jews were literally killing each other in the Mikdash and in the streets. All over religious disputes.
That’s why chazal created one unified group / ideology, which unified everyone and gave everyone their priorities. This saved us for many centuries.
We need something like that now.
As long as you don’t own a smartphone and you wear a white shirt, all is good. Let’s have another assifa.
Rabbi Avrohom HaKohen Pam [ZTL ZYA],
the Rosh HaYeshivah of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas
in Brooklyn, was a MATH TEACHER!
Rabbi Yisroel HaLevi Belsky [ZTL ZYA],
the Rosh HaYeshivah of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas
in Brooklyn, was a MATH TEACHER!
Get the story right. This was a response to the mayor’s decision to tear down the Yerushalmi Shul in Ramah 5. Not excusing anyones behavior, but it takes 2 to tango.
isn’t it bitul torah!!! and a chillul hashem!!!! if they want to learn let them learn another act like animals!!!!. they would be better off learning discipline in the army!!
Whoever wrote “Let’s not judge” needs his or her head examining. With all due respect to thst poster, there is absolutely no scenario that could justify such behavior – to attack another fellow yid and to damage someone else’s property.. This is beyond sickening! And if anyone wants to know why we are still in galus, here is your
You would think that YWN ,who just ealier this week boasted that major goyish news sites like Drudge sends traffic to this very site, would think twice before posting this garbage
Also YWN lets be real , decide who you are already. Today you post this poison. Tommorow you’ll post an article that makes you look like you fighting for Toirah HaKedoisha Mi LaHaShem Eilai! YWN you’re a manic bipolor hate spreading platform, no different than yair lapid
why are you waiting till 120 to find out how much pirud you are causing amongst klal yisrael ?
Anyone who shouts “Nazi” at another Jew–especially at a police office or Chayal– should be shipped off to Gaza. Hamas will know how to show him proper love.
@Circle Why should the police use machine guns?
Calling it insanity may coming close to the truth. I work with this population and the number of people with paranoid schizophrenia is staggering. Delusions and auditory hallucinations I’m privy to focus on the destruction that Zionists and reformers are causing or that the person is being targeted because of his fight to save the world against the reformers. Yeah, they get married to other mentally ill people and have lots of kids who perpetuate the cycle.
These people are no worse than Hamad terrorists the way they act
What Aljazeera is for the IDF, Yeshivaworld is for Chareidim
you know i would like to hear what everyone has to say BEFORE we just say they are animals! you have NO IDEA what they are thinking! how do you have rishus to SAY SUCH THINGS! these comments make me wonder if some of you have a heart…
The majority of the people shown barely hit puberty
So frightening and horrible! Will any leader speak up against this? Why haven’t they said anything until now, even if they disagree with the Mayor’s or any other views? My hope is that the person behind the voice that we hear screaming “Nazi” repeatedly, never finds out what a Nazi really is.
Why publish such a chilul Hashem?
I don’t condone violence or this behavior however I would have zero complaints if they would have done this to the attorney general and her car. It’s a Mitzvah to get rid of amalek