Yeshiva Chanoch Lnaar in Eretz Yisroel under the leadership of HaRav Pinchus Baadush shlita came with his Talmidim to America, to visit the Olam Hatorah, and meet with Gedolim and Rabbonim. These boys are currently serving in the IDF.
The attached video and photos were when the group of 38 boys visited Hagaon HaRav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, the Rosh Yeshiva of South Fallsburg.
3 Responses
I’d like to thank yeshiva world for posting visits with gedolim who represent the olam hayeshivos
In heavens eye it’s hard enough to love and look out for jews and Israel !! Hairy heads, no tattoos, occasional fasts,etc are who go-d watches and helps is what I believe !! Good luck Benjamin and company !! Of course teeth, speech,etc helps to access heaven however let’s be frank the middle east knows Israel very well ! Think of Jerusalem and the holiest place and go-d will help is what I know however……… the 18th blessing is for peace to prosper,flourish,etc. Shalom 😎 how is anyone jewish is what alot of people want the answer/s to and what does it mean today and tomorrow