The office of Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara sent a letter on Tuesday to Defense Minister Yisrael Katz’s office demanding the “urgent” implementation of additional personal sanctions against Chareidi “draft dodgers.”
According to Baharav-Miara, the sanctions already implemented – the revocation of daycare subsidies and the suspensions of funds to yeshivos and kollelim – have not been effective. In her view, or so she claims, all that needs to be done is to implement additional personal sanctions and hordes of Chareidim will suddenly show up at recruitment centers.
The additional sanctions proposed by the Attorney General include: the denial of housing benefits such as rental assistance and aid in purchasing an apartment; the denial of Economy Ministry benefits for small and medium-sized businesses; and the denial of property tax discounts.
The letter emphasizes that the proposed sanctions do not require new legislation, meaning they can be applied immediately through administrative or government decisions.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
8 Responses
Once again at the most critical time when we need to learning they come to assault it. Do they have a death wish? I don’t understand it. But the erev rav will continue to get us killed
The Zionists do not believe in G-d. They’re not like a long-lost cousin who “grew up secular” in a Christian country. The entire purpose of Zionism is to remake Judaism into a godless Nationalist religion, with their “State” as the Nation-State of that idolatrous faith, in which its believers could also happen to choose to keep whatever parts of the old Judaism that they wanted.
There is no “war against Chareidim” in Eretz Yisrael.
The Chareidim in Eretz Yisrael are simply being asked to do
what 99.9% of Israelis have done, every year since 1948 CE:
help to defend the Jewish people and the Jewish land.
In Eretz Yisrael, thousands of ARABS have voluntarily joined
the Israeli Army, to defend the Jewish people and the Jewish land.
After 120 years, the Chareidim will stand before the
the Heavenly Court (Beth Din Shel Maalah), and they will
be required to explain why it was that thousands of ARABS
were willing to defend the Jewish people and the Jewish land,
but the Chareidim were not willing to fight against
Amalek, even though fighting against Amalek is one of
the 613 Commandments of the Torah (Taryag Mitzvot).
The Zionists rather fight Torah than Hamas
It’s a critical time yet we’re about to have בין הזמנים. Let’s see how many draft dodgers go on trips around the country.
May this reshanta suffer a heart attack and die.
Attention Rebemes : or maybe not so Emess.
You think the Eirav rav is getting people killed ?
You think Eirav Rav Is coming down on Chareidim who are not joining Zahal ?
It’s HASHEM !!! The only question is, why is Hashem doing this ? You think the message is for the leftist Israelis who don’t know the difference between an Arab and a falafel ball ?
The message is for every G-d fearing person to figure out and do teshuva.
look in the mirror.
What about the Arab Israeli population that takes even a greater share of welfare benefits and doesn’t serve in the IDF? Is she cutting all benefits to them?