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Israel: Tzipi Handling Coalition Talks Personally

Breaking from the standard practice, Kadima leader Tzipi Livni has announced she is not planning to assemble a coalition negotiating team as is the norm in order to advance talks with potential coalition partners. The premier-designate announced she personally plans to meet with the leaders of the various political parties to ascertain if there is room for forming a new coalition. She is calling on parties to “stop playing around” and focus on the realities which demand the formation of a solid government to address pressing issues.

Her decision many feel signals she is not too interested in an expanded stable coalition, but perhaps is seeking to limp along until elections, confident she will be elected as the next prime minister.

Livni does not appear willing to open existing coalition agreements but Labor leader Ehud Barak feels if the government is going to be expanded by bringing in new partners, he has the right to open his coalition agreement and make new demands regarding cabinet posts.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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