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YWN Eretz Yisrael Morning News Roundup – 9/21/08


*Today, Sunday, is day 96 of the virtual Gaza ceasefire.

*Today is Gilad Shalit’s 819th day in Hamas captivity.

*Jewish motorists traveling in the Shechem district of Shomron on motzei Shabbos were attacked by Arab stone-throwers near Bitot Jct. No injuries were reported.

*Gush Etzion District: A firebomb was hurled at a Jewish motorist near Kibbutz Migdal Oz on motzei Shabbos. No injuries were reported.

*A security guard in Ateret Kohanim Yeshiva in Yerushalayim’s Old City was lightly injured when Arabs hurled rocks at him. The yeshiva is located in the so-called Muslim Quarter. The guard was transported to a hospital.

*IDF soldiers operating in Yehuda and Shomron on motzei Shabbos arrested two suspected terrorists. No injuries were reported.

*PA: A woman in her 60s died as a result of being pushed to the ground by IDF soldiers operating in Abu Dis, in the area on the Jerusalem border.


*NRP leader Zevulun Orlev, following a meeting with newly-elected Kadima leader Tzipi Livni, stated he does not see how Kadima will form a stable coalition.  NRP prefers all parties agree on an election date.

*PM Olmert at Sunday’s weekly cabinet meeting is expected to inform ministers he does indeed plan to resign. It is yet unclear if he will step down from office or attempt to remain heading the transition government.

*People are urged to drive to Kever Rachel to exhibit a need to permit the continuation of the current situation, which permits visitors to the kever to arrive in [private vehicles, and not necessarily bulletproof buses.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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