Netanyahu & NRP Calling for Elections – Barak Prefers Emergency Government

bb2.jpgOpposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu is not a fan of joining an emergency government, preferring new elections, willing to rely on polls that place him in the national leadership seat. Following a motzei Shabbos meeting with Labor Party leader Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Netanyahu reiterated his position, preferring not accept Barak’s preference of an emergency government. The two are expected to meet again in the coming days.
Barak, who is also aware of polls, realizes his party may not even earn 10 seats, aware he will not be a candidate for a senior cabinet post, yet alone the next prime minister. It is in his interest to do whatever possible to delay elections for as long as possible.
Following a meeting between prime minister-designate Tzipi Livni and National Religious Party leader Zevulun Orlev, Orlev also signaled his party is not too interested in an emergency government, preferring elections over extending the tenure of the present forum.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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