In a momentous meeting of gedolei Torah in Eretz Yisroel, Rav Uri Deutsch, one of Lakewood’s foremost rabbanim, sat down with the venerated Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Dov Landau, to discuss a matter that weighs heavily on Klal Yisroel’s collective heart—the ongoing shidduch crisis.
With Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsch’s proposal quickly gaining traction in America, Rav Uri sought daas Torah from the revered Rosh Yeshiva: Is it appropriate to ask girls to wait before entering shidduchim while encouraging boys to begin earlier?
Without hesitation, Rav Dov’s response was unequivocal: Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary solutions.
Not only did Rav Dov Landau endorse the plan, but in a resounding show of achrayus, he added his signature to the kol koreh calling for its implementation, joining a growing chorus of gedolei Torah.
The proposal—for boys to enter shidduchim earlier while girls wait slightly longer—is a bold one, a shift in the long-standing system that the gedolim backing it are not taking lightly.
With this historic haskama from one of the ziknei hador hador, the call to action has grown louder than ever.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
3 Responses
If they put into Cherem, forbidding any social contact, with any girl who gets engaged before age 23 (and her husband to the Cherem if they actually get married) , it can have a stronger affect.
Boys earlier but why make girls wait. Learn from the chassidim. Marry at 17 18 not past twenty. You can marry and go learn. Why stay single. No wonder chassidim are taking over as they marry young and by the time a non chosid marrys at 23 or 24 the chosid has four or five kids.
This settles it once and for all as the gadol hador himself endorses this change. I do not understand how anyone can go against this, when ALL the gedolim are now on board. Anyone coming out against this monumental change deserves to be put in cherem it is mamosh sakonos nefoshos of our helige maydoloch.