Israel: Chareidi Schools Choking – Education Ministry to Blame

clasroom2.jpgAccording to principals of chareidi schools, attorney Dorit Morag, the legal advisor of the Ministry of Education is intentionally discriminating against chareidi institutions of learning, keeping in line with the ministry’s anti-chareidi line.

The schools are being compelled to produce building permits and documentation from engineers, explaining their failure to do so would result in a cessation of funding from the ministry. The chareidi school administrators explain that the Dati Leumi and secular schools are not being compelled to produce the same documentation, once again attesting to the ministry’s anti-chareidi bias. In addition, school directors are being asked to sign on a guarantee that if the documentation cannot be obtained within three years, the institution would be compelled to retroactively repay the government. None of the school directors are signing the guarantee.

Making things even worse is the fact that despite the Knesset passing the Yeshiva Ketana Law (reported HERE on YWN) in July, the ministry has not forwarded the funds. According to the schools, they are owed NIS hundreds of million collectively, and with this new demand holding up funding, many are on the verge of ceasing to operate in a professional and orderly fashion.

Seeking a plan of action, the yeshiva directors seem to agree that they have no ally in the ministry so there is no point in attempting to speak with the minister, Prof. Yuli Tami, who during her tenure has done her utmost to advance the Reform Movement and its ideal at the expense of the chareidim and Dati Leumi. Therefore, it appears that after consulting with legal experts; they will [legally] attack Morag personally, hoping to file lawsuits against her. In a somewhat confusing statements, those backing the plan admit they do not expect much support from the secular liberal judicial system, but the attorney’s advising the group feel the pressure from such legal action against Morag could compel her to back off.

Regarding the building permits, Morag is well aware the fiscally ailing chareidi school system in many cases uses substandard buildings, like caravans and worse, and in many cases, there is no possibility of producing the permits requested.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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