A-G Continues Incessant War Against Chareidim: Demands Immediate Sanctions On Bnei Yeshivos

Yeshivas Tifrach. Photo: Yisrael Ze'ev Leventhal

Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara sent a letter to Defense Minister Yisrael Katz on Wednesday demanding that he immediately begin imposing sanctions on bnei yeshivos eligible for the draft.

In the letter, Baharav-Miara wrote that as of today, “the recruitment goals that were presented are not being met” and therefore “the government is required to act urgently to enforce recruitment obligations against draft-dodgers.”

She emphasized that “a significant proportion of the enforcement measures against evaders can be promoted immediately, inter alia, by a government or administrative decision alone, and a decision on this matter is in the hands of the political echelon.”

She ordered Katz to hold an urgent discussion on the matter.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Meanwhile there are daily protests here in Jerusalem with streets being blocked and fired being lit. There is no way they can force yeshiva boys to join an army that allows trans to join. Even Trump threw out the Trans from the American army. You don’t need a bigger army to defeat Hamas. You need just cut off food,fuel,electric,internet,all media outlets and medicine. Very simple. And blow up all remaining structures with plane fire not room to room fighting. No soldiers will be killed.

  2. Until she starts drafting Arab citizens and cutting off their benefits she’s nothing but a political hack who should be thrown in the trunk and dumped in Gaza for her treachery. After this Army and intelligence fell asleep at the wheel October 7th we should get people to stop learning to join them? At least let our people succeed at Learning instead of joining your corrupt forces

  3. oy these Zionists since the days of Herzl and Ben gurion have been solely focused on shuttting down yeshivas, and making everybody frei from the Temanim to the Tehran they have 1 goal. It is a busha to us that any frum people serve in the knesset.

  4. time for a פולתה דנורא not sure what theyre waiting for
    anyone who raises their hand against the torah or lomde torah needs to be dealt with

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