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Shas Reiterates Conditions for Joining a New Coalition

Following the announced election victory of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Shas Party leader Minister Eli Yishai announced Shas has made its position clear, that it will not join any government coalition that does not state it will not negotiate compromise regarding future borders of Yerushalayim.

Livni, in her victory address early Thursday morning, called for unity in Kadima and in Knesset, stating she hopes to begin working to establish her new coalition today.

Most agree that Shas’ inclusion in a Livni-led coalition is most unlikely. Political analysts question Livni’s ability to assemble a coalition government, stating it is more likely that she will try to run with a minority government with support from left-wing and Arab opposition parties.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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