Jerusalem police conducted an operation early Monday morning to remove Palestinian flags in the heart of Mea Shearim. Officers from the Lev HaBira station and the Jerusalem district’s special forces took part in the operation, targeting Palestinian Authority flags displayed prominently in the neighborhood.
During the removal of three flags, some local residents expressed their anger by throwing eggs at the officers. Police confirmed that no injuries or damage resulted from the incident.
As part of the operation, police discovered a “warehouse” in the neighborhood containing additional Palestinian flags, walkie-talkies, and posters with what authorities described as “inciting content against the State of Israel.” Investigators noted that the posters, printed in Hebrew, English, and Arabic, included messages such as “Jews are not Zionists” and “Authentic Jewry always opposed Zionism and the existence of the State of Israel.”
The confiscated materials were transferred to the police station for further investigation. Israeli police emphasized their commitment to combating incitement and any support for terrorist organizations, stating that they will continue efforts to identify and prosecute those involved in such activities.
YWN notes that this has been going on for the past 76 years, and it keeps the locals, as well as police busy with each other. Usually, the removal of the flags results in a Hafganah, which then leads to people getting arrested. Then, there are more protests to have the people released, which result in additional arrests. More police. More arrests.
Eventually, an elected official or a connected individual intervenes, which ends the cycle.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
22 Responses
Someone should take the amazing essay “sm77”, and print it as one of the Kisvay haKodesh of the Neviim, alongside Yermiyahu and Yechezkel, Amos and Malachi and Micha.
This is AMAZING!!
Why is nobody screaming that Zionism itself is the greatest Chillul Hashem of the darkest order?
You are crying about a few Palestinian flag in Meah Shearim, yet the flag that rips apart the very essence of Klal Yisroel, that desecrates Shem Shamayim with every arrogant wave in the wind, is the Israeli flag itself—a banner of rebellion against Hashem, a banner of tumah, a banner of kochi v’otzem yadi, a banner of a regime that has spent decades and decades tearing Yiddishkeit to pieces!
Look at what this “medina” has done! It has violated the holiness of Eretz HaKodesh, trampled on the Torah, and turned a land of kedusha into a sewer of tumah. The once-pristine streets of the Holy Land are now flooded with public chillul Shabbos, with cities that pride themselves on being international epicenters of mishkav zachor—a country where the very concept of morality has been inverted, where impurity is celebrated, and Torah is persecuted with hatred and venom.
And what did they do with our holy Lashon HaKodesh, the tongue of the Avos, the words spoken by the Shechina at Har Sinai? They took it and defiled it into “Ivrit”—a crude, empty shell, stripped of sanctity, hijacked as a tool for nivul peh, for coarse speech, and unthinkable impurity. Words that spit in the face of everything the Torah stands for!
By the Novo Festival, they danced around all night, like worshippers of the Eigel, in front of a towering bronze Buddha, worshipping avodah zarah—not in some distant land of paganism, but in Eretz HaKodesh itself!
In the very land that was meant to be a beacon of kedusha, where our forefathers walked in the presence of the Shechina, where Yaakov Avinu dreamed of a ladder reaching to Shamayim, where Dovid HaMelech sanctified every step with Tehillim—here, in this very land, they have raised an open rebellion against Hashem!
Gilui arayos, avodah zarah, chillul Shabbos b’farhesia—and it was Yom Tov of Shemini Atzeres! Kasheh alai preidaschem! On a day when Klal Yisroel stands with Hashem alone, they stood in rebellion against Him! Could there be a darker, more horrific Chillul Hashem?!
And just 12 days before that, on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year, when even the Satan is silent, the secularists waged war on Hashem Himself. They stormed and attacked Jews—not because they committed crimes, not because they harmed anyone, but because they dared to make a public Kol Nidrei minyan with a makeshift mechitza in Dizengoff Square!
The mayor, the courts, the Bagatz—the entire machine of this anti-Torah regime—a system that exists for one purpose alone: to degrade Torah, to uproot kedusha, to wage war against Hashem!
And dare anyone say they are neutral?! If a Muslim group had organized a gender-separate prayer service in the heart of Tel Aviv, would the mayor have sent in the police? Would the judges have ruled against them? Would they have had the audacity to interfere? Chas v’shalom! They would have bowed their heads in deference—because there is only one thing in the world they truly despise: Torah.
From the very foundation of the Medina, its sole objective was to be מֵרִים יָד בְּתוֹרַת מֹשֶׁה—to defy Torah, to uproot Torah, to replace it with kefira, with secularism, with every ideology that spits in the face of Yiddishkeit. Their laws? A patchwork of Turkish and British legal codes—because anything and everything was preferable to them, as long as it wasn’t Torah!
And every single day, they are still at war with Hashem!
Every single day, they indoctrinate over a million and a half Jewish children in a system of pure heresy, without a single mention of kedusha. They actively raise generations of apikorsim—a system built on shmad from its inception.
Yet you cry about a Palestinian flag in Meah Shearim?
The population of Meah Shearim is barely 13,000, with tens of thousands more passing through daily. Among them, a few fringe individuals put up these flags, making a statement against the Zionists—but meanwhile, any so-called “religious” Jew who glorifies Zionism, who defends it, who seeks to align themselves with the very reshaim who orchestrate this war against Torah, is a million times bigger Chillul Hashem!
Who is the true Chillul Hashem? Who are the real traitors?
Our chazal already told us: (המחטיא יותר מן ההורגו (במדבר רבה כ”א:ד—one who causes another to sin is worse than a murderer. And what has the Zionist regime done from day one if not destroy the neshamos of generations of Jewish children? They, the ones who raise their fists against Torah, are worse than murderers, and yet some religious Jews treat them and glorify them as honorable leaders?!
You scream about a Palestinian flag, but what about the holy families who arrived in Eretz HaKodesh from Yemen with nothing but faith in Hashem, only to have their young children taken away from them without their consent, by the government agents, placed for adoption, while the grieving parents were falsely told that their children had died?
What about the holy Yaldei Tehran—the orphaned children who fled the inferno of Poland after witnessing close family members slaughtered in the Holocaust, only to be handed over into the arms of the Zionist reshaim upon reaching Eretz Yisrael? Their peyos were sheared away, their tefillin torn from their grasp, their pure neshamos forcefully reprogrammed into heresy. Ripped from the last sacred embers of their parents’ mesirus nefesh, they were cast into secular kibbutzim, where they were taught to mock the very Torah for which their fathers and mothers had given their lives!
You cry “Chillul Hashem” over a few pieces of cloth, but did you or your Zionist heretic rabbis ever shed a single tear for these neshamos, stolen and lost forever? They could have built large Torah homes, raised generations of religious families—but instead, their lineage was cruelly cut off, their faith torn from them, like branches severed from the tree of Am Yisrael, left to wither in the barren soil of secularism, their neshamos never nourished, their heritage erased.
And now, their hands are still soaked in the same crime.
They continue to educate Jewish children without a single mention of Hashem, of Torah, of mitzvos—leaving them empty, rootless, and devoid of Yiddishkeit. They encourage assimilation, destroy kedusha, and have transformed the land into a center of tumah.
And yet, some from our own community dare to engage with them, validate them, and lend them legitimacy?
This is the real Chillul Hashem!!!
Meanwhile, the real flag of rebellion against Hashem waves in front of their eyes every single day—the Medina itself, the state that turned Eretz HaKodesh into a den of tumah!
That is the true flag of disgrace.
That is the real Chillul Hashem.
I see, so in 100 shearim they enforce this.
In Tel Aviv they allow it. I saw a Palestinian store with flags etc.
Miscreant malcontents can move to area A under Palestinian control, still live within E’Y and fulfill all their dreams of limud ha’torah without supporting or support of the zionist entity. I wish them health, success and safety as they trust the Arabs more than the Jews to let them live as they wish. With Hashem’s help, they will still be alive to pay the jizya, but from where will they obtain the funds?
Majority of the signs I’ve seen were pro – “golus awareness” (with the shechinah hakedosha) via a Palestinian state, not pro hamas, murder, genocide or glorifying specific goyim or things like that. And if that’s the case, this is simply a Zionist bully government stealing freedom of speech!!
Lev Tahor, Naturei Karta, Meah Shearim-nicks: Clearly 3 interchangeable words
“no serious rabbonim”- thank you for your perfect No True Scottsman logic, there.
Of course this could be shut down if the “serious” rabbonim wanted it to stop.
Please remove the Wash, Rinse, Repeat comment from the end of this article.
This is a chillul Hashem of the darkest order, and no serious rabbanim support this errant behavior. It’s bad enough that these misguided fools are waving flags for a cause that supports the murder of Jews.
To end a post with this commentary is just crude. Please update the post.
As the Medinah pursues its attempts to destroy the yeshiva system and “break” the Chareidi community, one can expect the anti-Zionist Chareidim to gain strength at the expense of the pro-Zionist Chareidim (the ones who sit in the Kenesset and depend on government welfare and patronage). The “worst case” scenario is that the Palestinians will at some point decide that the Chareidim are big enough to be a major player (first time since De Haan was murdered), and will be suggesting a one state solution that allows for Chareidi autonomy in a Palestinian state that includes all of the former British mandate. The Zionists should reconsider how hard they push the Chareidim in their quest of the Zionist dream of a state free of Yiddishkeit.
Any Jew who waves or displays a Pali-Nazi flag should have their head examined.
There’s no egg shortage over there. Killing a million birds because one got the flu is an American liberal mishugas.
Whoever did this , why don’t they all immigrate to Gaza and Lebanon, and stay there with their people.
Whoever is in favor of the Palestinians should simply either shut up or move to an Arab country. If they stay then forcibly deport them.
They should move to iran or Gaza with their chillul Hashem views. Let’s see how they fair there
I suspect that these people are descendants of the ערב רב. I am not a Zionist, but you have to support the government in the country that you live in.
False there were many authentic jews such as the holy rizyhna rebas who were all pro zionism. Its a machlokis
The more extreme anti-Zionist have very strongly adopted Palestinian nationalism as being Judaism . Not just garden variety Palestinian nationalism but the very worst forms of it that call for mass murder of Jews.
I would concur that these 2 flags are accurate and should not be confiscated
Jews are not Zionists” and “Authentic Jewry always opposed Zionism and the existence of the State of Israel.”
Torah Jews are not zionists other Jews are.
You can not be a Torah first Jew and be pro Zionism. Impossible
When I was in Israel I discovered that nobody hates a zionist more then the zionist themselves, and if hertzel was to walk down the street they would kill him with there own hands, however the zionist are clawing and preying on Orthodox Jewry only for there appreciation…….. The sin of an Orthodox Torah Jew showing appreciated to the zionist is greater then the zionist theory that hating a Jew is worst then all the Torah, like for you to want revenge on my family is worst then all the Torah bad things. This is part of there philosophy, and can’t discuss all of it but it’s disgusting.
…… However the sin of showing appreciation to these people, which is what they are asking for, is more then somebody saying that we didn’t have real historical Rights to the land
There have been more of these pro terror flags after 10.7 compared to before. Just unreal.
Those flags and signs are so despicable, they sicken me every time I visit Yerushalayim.
Throw eggs? How can people still afford to throw eggs??