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JUST IN: Livni Takes Kadima Leadership Race

Kadima.jpg5:33AM IL: According to an Israel Radio report moments ago, Kadima Election Committee head Justice Dan Arbel telephone Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in her northern Tel Aviv home a short time ago to declare her the victor in the party leadership race.

According to Kadima Election Committee officials, Livni took the race by 431 votes.

Foreign Minister Livni is expected to deliver her victory address in the coming moments.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)



2 Responses

  1. I love the claim from a yahoo news article earlier in the day about how “the ultra-orthodox” sector would consider it improper to have her leading the jewish people because she’s a woman.

    I would think our problem with her is the fact that destroying Torah and “greater isreal” is not only a priority for her but an outright life goal..

  2. As we speak, the Hamodia is scrounging to locate pictures of her husband for inclusion in any article concerning Tzipi. The increased presence of female politicians (read, Sarah Palin) is causing much hand wringing by their editors.

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