Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara on Tuesday sent a letter to the Labor Ministry stating that daycare subsidies for avreichim up to the age of 27 who are eligible for IDF recruitment will be halted at the end of the month.
The halt of daycare subsidies for the families of avreichim is a huge blow, potentially leading to a loss of thousands of shekels each month.
Last year, Baharav-Miara decided that funding daycare for the babies and toddlers of Chareidi families whose fathers are eligible for the draft is “illegal” despite the fact that Arab-Israeli mothers whose husbands are criminals in prison receive daycare subsidies due to a law requiring that only the woman’s income be calculated without regard to her husband’s income.
In November 2024, UTJ MK Yisrael Eichler tried to advance the “daycare law,” a bill which bases daycare subsidies solely on the employment status of the mother. However, the bill was removed from the agenda when it became clear that it lacked a majority to pass in the Knesset due to opposition from members of the Likud, Religious Zionism, and New Hope.
Meanwhile, the IDF is slated to issue another 1,212 arrest warrants to bnei yeshivos who failed to respond to their draft orders after previously issuing 1,242. It is also slated to send another 14,000 draft orders to bnei yeshivos in the coming weeks.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
12 Responses
no end to the war the Zionists have on yeshivas and avreichim
An idea – if the Avreichim are arrested on account of dodging the draft, won’t they be considered prisoners, with the result that then only the mother’s income will be taken into account? The refua before the maka!
an Israeli Yid
Great job AG
Take money away from religious Jews for learning Torah and give it to Hamas for the “humanitarian aid” for “innocent civilians”
That mean Avrechim do not qualify for “humanitarian aid” and are not “innocent civilians”
How low can someone get.
But the Avrechim are not worried, you NEVER loose learning Torah amd doing the will of Hashem. On the other hand if you don’t do the will of Hashem……
BH!!! Now they can learn Lishma and not want money from avodah zarah!!!
BH!!! Now they can learn Lishma and not take money from avodah zarah!!! It’s a mitzvah Bo B’aveyroah.
Im kach leovrei retzono, leosei retzono al achas kamah vekamah
It’s so painful and frankly baffling to watch how the AG is fighting the lomdei Torah tooth and nail. Lady, use your power to help klal Yisroel, rather than seek their detriment. If you are any kind of egalitarian, is pushing women to stay home and raise their children, rather than pursue their careers and earn a respectable income the way to go? Time to think what your legacy will be. For now, you are the great champion of Israel’s detractors and those seeking to upend our precious mesorah.
This woman’s wickedness knows no bounds! I wonder if she is really a human or a ש ד
Had no doubt IsraeliYid would be here because every topic that goes against the Torah and what our holy rabbis hold dear is something that he rejoices in because he holds that the army is much more important than the Torah, even though without the Torah the land has virtually no meaning anymore. And it’s obviously not possible to teach him proper hashkafa because he doesn’t believe in things like negative spiritual environments and guarding one’s eyes because what the Torah says is not as important as his personal beliefs. Even without the Torah if you don’t find it horrifying that one of our own is favoring Arab families over Israeli when it comes to public funds that itself should make you want to choke her
@rebEmes – don’t put words in my mouth. Of course I favor Torah – FOLLOWING what the Torah says, though, and not just LEARNING it as if it were C”V some kind of academic subject. The Halachos of “Vachai Achicha Imach”, “Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh loZeh “, and the Rambam’s Halacha Pesuka about defending a Jewish community in danger are not meant to only be studied and to give a Pilpul Shiur on – they are meant to be ACTED on, no less than any other Halacha.
I also favor learning Torah, of course – but as Shlomo haMelech, the wisest of all men, said, “lakol zeman” – and learning instead of fighting when it’s a time to fight is as wrong as sitting and learning would be when there’s a house burning down and you’d be able to save the residents.
an Israeli Yid
What can we do to stop @an Israeli Yid from posting arguments based on logic, rather than your preferred method, empty platitudes and name-calling?
I am fearful that some readers here will think that intelligent argumentation has more value than name-calling and and empty rhetoric!
And how will they then be able to function within our community?
They won’t fit in anymore!
@anIsraeliYid, do the current and past Charedi Gedolim not know the Halacha Pesuka and other sources you mentioned?