Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu,
I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your tireless efforts over the past year and a half in working to secure the release of our precious hostages. We are aware of the countless hours and sleepless nights you dedicated to this critical endeavor, and we recognize how deeply you cared about this cause.
Therefore, it was disheartening to hear the speeches of some released hostages and their families, listing individuals and groups to thank, yet omitting your name. It felt like a personal blow, a knife twisting in my heart. How could they not fully appreciate the extent of your behind-the-scenes efforts and the significant role you played in their liberation? It’s undeniable that your leadership was instrumental in securing their release. I feel for you deeply, and I am so hurt and bewildered when they fail to mention you. It feels like a profound injustice, a disregard for the immense investment you made in their well-being.
I imagine the weight of responsibility you carried, the emotional toll of the negotiations, the constant worry for their safety. To see that dedication seemingly overlooked is truly painful.
Thinking about the hostages’ omission of your name reminded me of a similar oversight. While their omission is painful, it pales in comparison to the pain of witnessing you, Mr. Prime Minister, publicly thank everyone after Israel’s victories—the army, the generals, the government—while neglecting to mention Hakadosh Baruch Hu, the One who truly orchestrates our success.
Imagine the collective pain of all His children, the knife twisting in our hearts, when you fail to recognize Him and attribute success solely to human effort. While we appreciate the few times you do say “be’ezrat Hashem,” these phrases shouldn’t be mere formalities. Consistent and genuine acknowledgment of Hashem’s role should be integral to every speech—a constant recognition of the true source of our strength and success.
The disregard for the Divine hand that guides us is a wound that cuts deep. Who sustains our nation’s success? Who fuels the army’s victories, your leadership, and our very right to live in *Eretz Yisrael*? Never forget Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Recognizing His influence is key to greater triumphs. Acknowledging Him will reveal you as His emissary; failing to do so—clinging to “kochi ve’otzem yadi” (my strength and the might of my hand)—will prevent us from achieving true and lasting success.
I implore you, please do not inflict this pain upon us again. Just as you feel the sting of the hostages’ apparent disregard, we, as a nation, are deeply wounded by the consistent omission of our loving and caring Father.
With hope for greater recognition,
A Citizen of Eretz Yisrael
The views expressed in this letter are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us for review.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
18 Responses
What do you want from a Tinok Shenishba that grew up and never heard the name of Hashem being mentioned.
Let’s thank Hashem that we grew up in a Chreidy home but how can we critisize others that haven’t got this privlige and have no idea of any divine aspect, subject and even existince.
Very well said
Good luck with this זקן ממרא…
He’s from the better of the ערב רב type, but he and his father spent their entire lives on the idea that we cannot count on Hashem (חס ושלום) and how great it is when we have our secular army. It takes a lot for a person like that to admit that the biggest pogrom since WWII took place nowhere else but exactly under the IDF’s noses, and most likely even caused by their unbelievable failure.
That’s my little לימוד זכות. Saying בעזרת השם in itself should be very easy, but when that is essentially admitting you lived your entire life in error – it aint that easy…
Good luck with this זקן ממרא…
He’s from the better of the ערב רב type, but he and his father spent their entire lives on the idea that we cannot count on Hashem (חס ושלום) and how great it is when we have our secular army. It takes a lot for a person like that to admit that the biggest pogrom since WWII took place nowhere else but exactly under the IDF’s noses, and most likely even caused by their unbelievable failure.
That’s my little לימוד זכות. Saying בעזרת השם in itself should be very easy, but when that is essentially admitting you lived your entire life in error – it aint that easy…
You’re a mean person. I don’t plan on reading this, cuz the title is wrong, he always says beezrat hashem byachad nenatzeach.
Well said!!!
Very well written!!
Just not true!!!! The entire past year and a half he ends off every media message with “be’ezrat hashem”
Mr. Thunderstorm,
While it is true that Netanyahu did not have a Torah upbringing, that does not necessarily give him the title of a ”תינוק שנשבה”. The concept of a תינוק שנשבה is that they had almost no בחירה in choosing the דרך השם. This can properly be applied to Jews who grew up in communist Russia or in some small town in the USA where they were never exposed to Torah and Yiddishkiet. However, Netanyahu (and many other secular Israelis) has been very exposed to Yiddishkiet for many years. He has met with many great Rabbanim and Tzaddikim, yet he has not changed his ways.
Obviously, we cannot judge him the same as we would if he had grown up in a frum environment, However, to say that he is the same as a תינוק שבשבה is not either correct.
It is also a chillul Hashem that the President of the United States should mention G-d more that the Israeli Prime minister
he quoted tanach i beleive
WOW!! Beautiful letter and so well written.
Such a true point, thanks for sharing.
How I wish the letter can get to him and he can understand our feelings as a nation.
On the occasions when he says BH et al, what or who does he mean? Would someone get back to us on that?
Would just like to say, that I once heard a story, that the mk reb shloime Lawrence once asked Golda meir to say such a thing, and she said she would, when she never said it, she told him, that if she mentioned hashem, then the country will know that there are problems. All we could do, is thank hashem, that we live in a time, where the country didn’t mind when hashem is mentioned, true, not enough, but to a certain level, and it is finely better than it use to be!!;
Could a king win a noble peace prize for ending a war that he himself started?
Hkb”h was the one that truly orchestrated the capture of these hostages and also their eventual release. Hkb’h runs every aspect of this world.
here is no natural solution.Here are the natural solutions (and one practical one).
1. Do nothing,. This will only increase terror.2. Make concessions. this will make it even worse than number 1.3. Rely on the weapons and fight back. Hitler relied on his weapons.4. Use, but do not rely on your weapons and come closer to Hashem. This is the only practical solution.
Ask any frum (religious) Jew when asked “who destroyed the first temple and the second temple?” he will not answer Nebuchadnezzar and Titus, his answer would be “we did.”
Hashem does not need Hamas to harm Jews.
He does not need Netanyahu or anyone else to protect Jews.
Hashem alone rules the world based on how the Jews relate to Hashem. If we follow his commandments or not.
If a Jew is not faithful to Hashem and his Torah, then he can not be faithful to anything else.
If the fate of the Jews were in the hands of man, then there would not be one Jew left on this planet.
Netanyahu should openly declare that we Jews only rely on Hashen and then and only then thank all those very much who try to help us.
There is no natural solution.Here are the natural solutions (and one practical one).
1. Do nothing,. This will only increase terror.2. Make concessions. this will make it even worse than number 1.3. Rely on the weapons and fight back. Hitler relied on his weapons.4. Use, but do not rely on your weapons and come closer to Hashem. This is the only practical solution.
Ask any frum (religious) Jew when asked “who destroyed the first temple and the second temple?” he will not answer Nebuchadnezzar and Titus, his answer would be “we did.”
Hashem does not need Hamas to harm Jews.
He does not need Netanyahu or anyone else to protect Jews.
Hashem alone rules the world based on how the Jews relate to Hashem. If we follow his commandments or not.
If a Jew is not faithful to Hashem and his Torah, then he can not be faithful to anything else.
If the fate of the Jews were in the hands of man, then there would not be one Jew left on this planet.
Netanyahu should openly declare that we Jews only rely on Hashen and then and only then thank all those very much who try to help us.
Hmmm, he did thank hashem for the charadim joining the army. I guess you didn’t like it that Hashem helped him.