TUNNELS OF HORRORS: Hostages Were Tortured In Unspeakable Ways; 1 Fainted From Extreme Thirst & Hunger

Hostages cheer upon hearing news of their release. (Screenshot from Hamas propaganda video.)

Or Levy and Ohad Ben Ami, who were released on Shabbos from Hamas captivity after 491 days, revealed severe and shocking testimonies about the numerous tortures they suffered at the hands of Hamas terrorists during their captivity in Gaza, reminiscent of the extermination camps in Europe and the torture facilities of the Spanish Inquisition.

According to a Kan News report on Sunday evening, all three underwent horrific physical torture by the terrorists. They were taken separately for brutal interrogations during which the terrorists demanded information while subjecting them to severe physical abuse. According to a Channel 13 report, the hostages were interrogated about their service period in the IDF, and based on their answers, they were subjected to numerous beatings.

The terrorists strangled them, tied them up, bound their mouths with cloth until they choked, hung them by their feet, and burned them with hot objects.

Channel 12 reported that one of the returned hostages told his family that he was chained in a dark tunnel, without light and air, during his entire captivity. He could not walk or stand and was only unchained shortly before his release.

Additionally, they reported that they were deliberately starved and for many long days they received no food at all. Every few days they received a rotten pita, which they had to share with the other hostages who were with them. They also suffered terrible thirst when they were deprived of water for days.

At one point during captivity, one of the hostages collapsed due to his extreme hunger and thirst. The other hostages with him thought he was dead, and according to reports, they described that moment as particularly traumatic.

According to a report on Channel 13, they ate about 300 calories a day from carbohydrates only for most of the captivity, and days before their release, they received slightly more food so they would be able to stand on their feet during their release. They said that their captors intentionally starved them and taunted them by deliberately eating in front of them. Sometimes they had to decide who among them would eat.

The physical torture and starvation were not the only way the terrorists abused the hostages in the tunnels. According to testimonies, they were placed in a small room inside a tunnel where they could neither move nor stand and had difficulty breathing. They stated: “We couldn’t tell between day and night in the tunnel.”

They were left alone for long days and were barefoot throughout the entire captivity, bathing only once every few months. One of the hostages said: “They treated us like animals.”

They shared that what gave them chizzuk during captivity were tefillos, Kiddush on Friday nights, and supporting one another.

According to a report on Channel 12, the heinous terrorists would psychologically torture them through “games” that simulated a release that ultimately did not happen.

They also said that on the day of release, the heinous terrorists moved them from place to place, “presenting” them to crowds of cheering terrorists.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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