Democratic Rep. Al Green, the Houston, Texas, congressman who made three attempts to impeach President Donald Trump during his first term, initiated his first impeachment effort in 2025.
Green rose to address the House on Wednesday and said “ethnic cleansing in Gaza is not a joke, especially when it emanates from the President of the United States.”
“And [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] should be ashamed, knowing the history of his people, to stand there and allow such things to be said.”
“I also rise to say that the impeachment movement is going to be a grass up movement, not a top down… I did it before, I laid the foundation for impeachment, and it was done. Nobody knows more about it than I,” Green went on.
“And I know that it time for us to lay the foundation again. On some issues, it is better to stand alone than not stand at all on this issue. I stand alone. But I stand for justice.”
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
8 Responses
Since when can you impeach somebody for something he said but hasn’t been done.
LBJ: This guy is dumber than a doornail (with all due respect to doornails) and is not taken seriously even by the Dems. Sadly, he seems to have a lock on his deep blue district and will likely be reelected until nature takes its course.
a real loony toon. I’m happy he realizes he stands alone.
Right because he wants them to stay there and continue to hurt Israel.
He stands for Americans that hate themselves and their country. Israel has the same problem, ר”ל
He is why we need term limits. What an evil man.
When Rabbi Meir Kahane hyd gave a similar proposal, he was labeled a racist BY ISRAEL and banned from the Kneset. Is there any wonder that this joker feels the same about Trump’s proposal? Does he need to be “frummer” than the former Israeli governments?!
Dumb idea, and totally impractical (since its conditional on the Palestinians leaving of their own free will, not to mention non-involvement of American funds or troops), but it isn’t illegal by any standard.
Some of Trump’s other ideas (abolishing agencies by decree rather than statute) are illegal and in theory are impeachable.