Netanyahu: Joining Kadima Government is Like Joining Lehman Brothers

Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu announced once again that he does not have any intentions of joining a Kadima-led coalition government, adding, joining a Kadima-led administration is “like joining Lehman Brothers”.

Kadima voters on Wednesday are selecting a new party leader explains Netanyahu, who emphasized Likud is not entertaining joining the current coalition. “The government is not ready for the global economic tsunami which will engulf us just like a number of other incorrect decisions, improper management, and failed leadership, also in the sphere of security and economics” he added.

The opposition leader stated Likud wants what most of the nation wants, to go to national elections to elect a new leader and a new government. “To call us to join a Kadima-led government at this time is like calling on us to join Lehman Brothers, meaning a collapsing organization.”

Netanyahu concluded by adding, “It is not important who is elected to head Kadima at present, but it is more important to replace the failed leaders and to go to the polls.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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