It’s no secret that shalom bayis isn’t always smooth sailing, but the latest numbers show a concerning trend—divorce cases in major frum cities in Eretz Yisroel are climbing at a rapid rate. Comparing 2024 to 2023, some kehillos have seen a jump of over 40% in couples calling it quits.
1. Beit Shemesh – 223 gittin in 2024, up from 154 in 2023 (45% increase).
2. Beitar Illit – 78 gittin in 2024, up from 54 in 2023 (44% increase).
3. Modi’in Illit – 77 gittin in 2024, up from 53 in 2023 (45% increase).
4. Elad – 109 gittin in 2024, up from 97 in 2023 (12% increase).
5. Bnei Brak – 168 gittin in 2024, up from 136 in 2023 (24% increase).
6. Tzfas – 24 gittin in 2024, up from 13 in 2023 (85% increase).
7. Teveria – 87 gittin in 2024, up from 82 in 2023 (6% increase).
While every situation is different, and klal Yisroel has always faced its share of challenges, the numbers don’t lie—more couples are struggling to keep things together. Whether it’s the pressures of parnassah, chinuch disagreements, or just the stresses of life, it’s a wake-up call for the tzibbur to focus on shalom bayis and supporting those going through a difficult situation.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
19 Responses
Those are increases in absolute numbers, not increases in the percentage of couples getting divorced. This may just be an increase in the number of divorces due to population growth, but not an increase in the divorce RATE.
From my observations I have seen very often three scenerios leading to divorce in the frum community.
1. I dont know about in Israel or in the non-Chassidishe communities, but in Chassidishe communities in the US the girls are constantly being mechazek in school and constantly taught the dangers of smartphones and to resist buying them. Meanwhile, the boys and men are not encouraged and educated not to buy those smartphones because of neglect on this topic by roshei yeshivas and magidei shuirim. And so they very often buy these smartphones because supposedly they need it “l”tzoirech parnasah”. The effects on so many of these boys and men who have smartphones, has devastating spiritually. Meanwhile the women and girls do not generally have smartphones. (And btw, these girls and young women work and have businesses too…) This is causing an imbalance in the ruchnius level of spouses that causes many divorces.
2. Everyone supposedly has some sort of diagnosed disorder these days and every second kid takes psychotic for one reason or another. Parents believe the lie that it “chemically balances the brain”. Meanwhile it often has an everlasting, devastating effect on the brain affecting basic functioning. A big percentage of parents hide it from the other party when it comes to shidduchim but one quickly finds out about a spouse taking mind-altering meds soon after the marriage. And they head straight to the beis din.
3. Unfortunately many people do not work on their middos and are selfish and lacking empathy and caring. And many parents neglect instilling basic menchlichkeit and good middos in their kids. Years ago people would put up with narcissistic and selfish behavior by their spouces because they felt they have no choice. Todays’ young people do not put up with bad and abusive behavior from their spouses. Which is actually a good thing. No one should have to go through life with a spouse that lacks basic middos. It’s a living nightmare living with such a person.
Although it is true the divorce rate is rising – which is very tragic- ,it must be pointed out that these numbers are not necessarily accurate since the population of all these areas increases every year. As the frum world continues to grow בע”ה, there are many more couples getting married every year. In order to properly track the percentages, these factors must be taken into account.
I understand the number of divorces grows every year but so does the population and the number of married couples. These stats are pretty meaningless.
Before posting an article like this, you should post how many more marriages there were during the same time. I bet there were a 200% increase in marriages which would mean that divorce rate actually fell.
It’s the internet
Editor, please post your source. Thank you,
More likely being caused by too many חומרות בטהרת המשפחה and by Husbands who got obligated in too long stints of time in Gaza.
Maybe the wives are getting tired of taking care of the kids , making dinner and supporting the family while the husband sits all day in yeshiva.
When Torah is not learned L’maysah, it becomes סם המוות instead of סם חיים.
There are different factors that should also be considered
Beit shemesh along with beitar saw a substantial growth in their population growth. 2) the chashivus of marriage isn’t any more “the thing”. We should be zoche building baiit Neman and overcome challenges of shalom baiit in dignified ways
These guys don’t serve in Gaza….maybe their wives finally saw through them and their alleged mesirus nefesh.
Sad how your #1 priority is smartphone issue and not mentschlichkeit
As others have mentioned, this article does not provide full information. W don’t have the population growth numbers to be able to compare.
In addition, the article just lists the number of Gittin. Which means cases that were concluded. From my own familiarity with many of the Battei Dinim of the Rabbanut, divorce cases can get dragged out over there for several years, and many times need a civil suite to be filed in order to get the Beis Din to issue a final ruling and decree. So this sudden increase might just be a bunch of cases that have just got resolved, but could have been filed over several years…
Can’t speak for the society in Eretz Yisroel. But the situation in America isn’t better. Moreover, the typical divorce in the frum community in good ole USA is an expensive, bitter battle. Thank the askanim, toanim, lawyers, and the advisors to mostly the women. While there certainly are gett refusers, most cases where the gittin don’t happpen is the recalcitrance to making an amicable agreement to settle the affairs. I dare say we focus attention on the calamity happening in America. It has devolved into an entire industry that thrives on machlokes.
Maybe it’s better that way, instead of leaving people in miserable marriages affecting the mental health of the children. This also helps the Shidduch crisis as now the men can marry again. The Torah allows a Get for a reason…
I think we should all marry 2 women!
but seriously do u think the population in these cities grew 45% ? are you CRAZY? or that 45% of cases were suddenly resolved and its an outlandish claim?
We live in a disposable world. Everything is disposable. Cups, dishes, electronics, spouses – all disposable. Use it and toss it. Get a new one for next time. Who keeps anything long term. Who fixes something that needs repair. It’ too much of a hassle to fix that which is broken. Just throw it away and get another. It Is it any surprise?!
Many boys and girls often lose their connection with someone who can guide them when they get married. A girl is worse by 18 19 she’s in the workplace. A boy may be in kollel a year or two so he may have a Rosh kollel to confide in but if he’s a working boy who does he have? I know someone who was married for over 10 years He got arrested for a suspended licence. His wife was so angry she wanted a divorce. B”H she called my wife to confide. My wife asked yesterday did you contemplate divorce? She said no. I really like him he’s a good father but I can’t trust him now. This story could have been a disaster for no reason if you don’t have someone to talk to. Rav Avigdor Miller has a tape 10 commandments of marriage That tape is required listening.
At a shiur for newly married men I heard one of the best pieces of advice. The lecturer said I love Shachris, Mincha and marriv. He said there are couples that can’t agree on finances, how to be mechanech their children the bicker, argue, but when you leave to shul drop the argument in the nearest garbage can and when you come back from davening make believe as if nothing ever happened. It also helps if you don’t have to have the last word in an argument