Rosh Yeshiva: “The Only Reason Arabs Don’t Kill Us All Is Lomdei Torah”

Amid the unprecedented battle against Lomdei Torah and religion in general by Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and the Supreme Court, HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau made statements with chilling implications.

During a meeting with the head of the Lev Shomeah organization [which provides therapeutic support to struggling Chareidi youth and recently established a branch for Anglos,] HaRav Landau said: “The only reason the Arabs around us don’t flood the land and kill us all, rachmanah litzlan, is because of Lomdei Torah.”

In a video of the meeting, the Rosh Yeshivah can be seen saying: “You – the Lomdei Torah are the ones who save [Eretz Yisrael]. There’s no explanation for why the Arabs don’t unite and flood the entire land and rachmana latzlan, kill everyone. There’s no explanation!”

“The Zionists acted as if they saved the Jewish nation but they’re the ones that caused the tragedies [the enemies’ attacks] – not only the ruchniyus tragedy of Am Yisrael.”

The Rosh Yeshivah continued: “We’re in a very difficult situation – all the Chareidim. We hope to Hashem that it will be good. We hope and we daven.”

The Rosh Yeshivah has made similar statements a number of times in the past.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. If this is the case, why are Chareidi politicians pushing for more security personnel in their neighborhoods on account of the release of terrorists – shouldn’t their learning be enough? At most, add some time to Seder, and presto – they’re protected!!

    I note too that there are many Halachos about physical protection of Jewish communities, including the set-up of groups that would be able to fight for the protection of their fellow Jews. Somehow, that’s not taken into the equation…

    an Israeli Yid

  2. I guess that would mean that throughout the generations when we were absolutely decimated, murdered, pillaged, burnt robbed etc. there were no lomdei Torah, I think it’s better not to try to play G-D

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