IDF Issued 1,212 Arrest Warrants To Bnei Yeshivos; Will Soon Issue Another 1,242

Brig. Gen. Shay Tayeb, the head of the head of the IDF's Personnel Directorate, provides data on Chareidi recruitment at a meeting of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday, February 3, 2024. (Knesset Channel/Screenshot)

Brig. Gen. Shay Tayeb, the head of the IDF’s Personnel Directorate, provided data on Chareidi recruitment efforts during a meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday, revealing that 461 out of 3,000 bnei yeshivos who received recruitment orders actually showed up at the enlistment offices, “with the number rising all the time.”

The data refers to recruitment orders issued in July 2024.

Tayeb added that the IDF sent arrest warrants to 1,212 bnei yeshivos and will soon issue another 1,242.

The data shows that only one in six recipients of draft orders in the Chareidi sector has complied with the process. As a result, the IDF aims to issue 30,000 recruitment orders in order to meet the target of 4,800 recruits per year.

Last week, Kan News reported that the IDF is preparing to issue another 14,000 draft orders to bnei yeshivos in the coming weeks.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

26 Responses

  1. they think they will draft us? we dont need the medina we dont need their $ we have plenty of askanim here in chutz laaretz ready to step up

  2. May all these Yeshiva Bachurim successfully avoid arrest – by enlisting in the army to participate in the Mitzva of defending their fellow Jews.

    an Israeli Yid

  3. To all the tzahalniks here please look in the blue mikraos gedolos this weeks parsha pg. 385 in rabbeinu bechaye paragraph vayisu..

    if it’s bezchus Hatorah how can anyone here, not in the Knesset here support a call for bnei yeshiva to leave yeshiva in the midst of a war.

  4. Does this in part explain why Netanyahu agreed to release thousand of terrorists from Israel prisons? He needs to space to house the Hareidim?

  5. Ibj,
    How can you not support it? The Torah does not provide any exception for Bnai Torah. If they want to be excluded, they should leave Israel.

  6. Anyone who cheers at the criminalization of people who were completely exempt until now under the status quo should just know that before the arrival of the Redemption they will be part of the “4/5” who didn’t make it out of Egypt. Mashiach has no reason to.come for.the ones who speak out against gedolei yisrael, have zero value for the learning of God’s Torah, and want to watch our sweet learners become a religious thanks to their exposure to all those tattooed and cursing men/women with no values. Consider this a warning

  7. AnIsraeliZionist:
    It is a grave sin to convert from Judaism to any religion including Zionism, which is exactly what the Zionist army does to its recruits, in addition to intentionally exposing them to the gimmel chamuros which are yehareig viAl yaavor.

  8. Lakewoodbt

    Bt is that baal teshuva? Looks like you need some more of it

    “ we dont need the medina we dont need their $ “

    כפוי טוב!

    the “medina” , replete with soldiers constantly risking their lives for the “we”, allowing them to roam freely without getting maimed by genoicadal maniacs , the “media” who has given billions in subsidies to the “we”, the same “we” you say doesn’t need. my my very ungrateful.

    1. Talmud Bavli, Sotah 46b – The Gemara states that the reason for the mitzvah of Bikkurim (first fruits) is to instill gratitude. It contrasts this with the behavior of the generation of the Flood, who were ungrateful despite their prosperity, leading to their destruction.
    2. Talmud Bavli, Avodah Zarah 5a – The Gemara explains that one who denies the kindness of others (כּוֹפֵר בְּטוֹבָתוֹ שֶׁל חֲבֵרוֹ) will eventually deny the kindness of Hashem.
    3 – The Midrash states that the sin of the (serpent) in Gan Eden was not just causing Adam and Chava to sin, but also its ingratitude. Instead of appreciating its ability to speak and its elevated status, it led humanity astray.
    4. Talmud Bavli, Berachot 7b – Moshe Rabbeinu refrained from striking the Nile River and the earth (during the plagues of blood, lice, etc.) because he had received benefit from them. This teaches the principle of Hakarat HaTov (recognizing good), implying that ingratitude is deeply problematic in the eyes of Hashem.
    5. Midrash Rabbah, Shemot 1:8 – It is pointed out that Pharaoh’s downfall began with his ingratitude toward Yosef, despite Yosef having saved Egypt from famine. His lack of recognition for Yosef’s contribution ultimately led to his own destruction.

  9. The post-zionist-leftist, apikorsim and eirav rav do not want any Torah at all.
    Now they are starting with our Yeshiva Boys, but like the Misyavnim of the past, go eventully will target all Frum Jews. BUT…להודיע שכל קוויך לא יבושו etc.

  10. Headline on your site- “Israel On Track To Experience Driest Winter In A Century”- any connection to arrest warrents for Yeshiva boys???

  11. rebEmes- Moshiach is not here because yeshiva bochurim would sit and learn while other yidden are being slaughtered. How can moshiach come when yeshiva bochorim are happy when other yidden are murdered? How can moshiach come when a yeshiva bochur told me that he does not say tehillim because no frum yidden are being killed?
    BH moshiach is not here! I would be embarrassed for him to see how frum yidden behave!

  12. HaKatan- if you are so anti zionist, why do you support yeshiva bochurim learning in Israel in a Zionist state? Do you condone yeshiva bochurim learning in a church? To you, a church and zionism is no different, so how can any frum yeshiva bochur step inside Eretz Yisroel when Moshiach is not here!

  13. You guys just don’t get it .
    Nobody’s trying to get chareidim to become frei
    And Israel is under attack.
    The boys can remain chareidi and defend our country.

  14. amicable33:
    The Satmar Rav’s analogy to the arsonist who then ran with a hose pretending to be the fireman comes to mind.

    The Zionists invaded against the will of the Jews there and have made them suffer for over a century.

    Besides, the Zionists are wicked heretics from whom one must be very distant, not to join them in their army of shmad to be converted from Judaism to Zionism.

  15. 1818:
    You are the one who “does not get it”. Zionism is the antithesis of Judaism. The Zionist army is their indoctrination center of Zionism. 1 + 1 does in fact equal 2.

  16. anon1m0us:
    The truth is that anyone entering the Zionist “State” for any reason should be very sure that doing so will not damage their souls due to the Zionism there. But you cannot compare E”Y to liHavdil, a church, despite the enormous damage done by Zionism.
    And that has nothing to do with Mashiach; we may not have sovereignty there prior to Mashiach, and may not ascent there with force, etc. but there is no prohibition to visit there prior to Mashiach.

  17. Hakatan- it is asur to visit a state that subjugates and persecutes from Jews. You are over Lefnai Iver. All Yidden should quickly run away and live in Kiryas Yoel. There is no heter of even visiting because every purchase you make, goes to Zionist. Zionism is worse than church because a church you know is assur, but Zionism is a machlokes. It is pure assur for anyone to be in Israel and if they live there they are apikorisim.

  18. The rasha apikorsim they keep saying it’s about gratitude and defending the eretz should take a close look at who is pushing for the draft orders and which people in the government are calling to starve yeshiva boys. The prime minister of the actual country you speak of is against all this, the government that was elected by the people is not for this except in the minority, the attorney general who made this her agenda is one of the most anti-god Anti learning people on the planet, she works against the people that hired her, they’re dying to fire her but her friends in the Supreme Court won’t let. If you can’t see who is coming against Hashem, they’re going against their own government by pursuing this. And you still say it’s not about shmad? What else could it be. And you fakers never once called to end all the Arab subsidies and benefits that they get without serving, they’re full citizens. Is it because you don’t trust them? So take away their money and benefits if they’re not trustworthy citizens. But none of you have the guts to pick on them. Go for the easy target go pick on the yeshivas. But don’t worry the yeshivas will be here later and you won’t

  19. hakatan

    Are you erev rav or Neturei karta? Curious

    when there’s ovens and pogroms in Shmutz Laaretz you won’t come hiding in the “evil Zionist state” right? It’s just too unholy for such a pure positive jew like your holy self.

    Maybe you need to clean your negative energy glasses and start learning some mussar

    All I see is amazing positive energy of religious jews who want to protect the homeland, learn in yeshiva, work hard. 500,000 Jews like that in yehuda and shomron alone.

    And non religious who serve in the army are all tinok shenishba. You’re negative energy has no place in this world

    Yes there’s lefties and stuff that needs to be fixed. But it definitely won’t be fixed with your negativity

  20. Anonimous you were mechavein to Harav Schach who stated the yeshivos will leave if it is necessary he told this to Rav ausband and it was not a bluff. whatever it takes ad mesirus nefesh

    We are stronger than them! who is stronger the guy who throws someone in a fire for defying him or the guy willing to be thrown in for his beliefs? The latter

  21. lbj— so nuu? Listen to Rav Shach! Or is the money too strong of a tayva to give up?

    No, only a shoytah is willing to be thrown into a fire for his beliefs. Normal people just walk away. So I am waiting for yeshivas to leave Israel.

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