In response to the ongoing wars on multiple fronts, the IDF’s Rabbinical Corps has introduced a series of groundbreaking innovations designed to ensure that soldiers can can maintain proper kavod haTorah on the battlefield. One of the most notable developments is a revolutionary Aron Kodesh that, at the push of a button, transforms into a proper table for leining from the Sefer Torah.
“As far as transporting a Sefer Torah is concerned, an aron is essential, as humidity can be damaging to the klaf,” explains Chief of Staff of the IDF Rabbanut, Colonel Rav Shoham Orkabi.
However, the traditional aron previously used in combat zones was cumbersome, difficult to transport, and not waterproof. To address these concerns, the Rabbanut has developed a newly designed Torah carrier, outfitted with straps on both sides, allowing it to be comfortably carried on a soldier’s back to any location.
“This innovation not only makes it easier to transport a Sefer Torah but also ensures its protection from all weather conditions, including rain and dampness,” says Rabbi Orkabi. “Additionally, the carrier is designed to serve as a fully functional Torah reading table, with legs that raise the Sefer off the ground by about ten centimeters, thus eliminating any concern of bizayon haTorah.”
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
3 Responses
Very nice.
But don’t for a moment think that charedim will fall for this. At least the smart ones. The idiots have long become x & ys.
@Uncommon- I know! There should be no Torah in the trenches! We all know Torah stops being functional in certain places, like Miami Beach, Hawaii, trenches and all other places Yidden want to vacation. The gal that we had a Aron Kodesh that went out to war! Didn’t Moshe know that Torah should not be near to all the Jewish hearts, especially when they may die?