WATCH: Agam Berger’s Parents Speaks To The Press: “Shema Yisrael, Hodu L’Hashem Ki Tov”

Agam Berger and her parents aboard the helicopter from the Gaza border to Beilinson Hospital. (IDF spokesperson)

The parents of Agam Berger, who was released from captivity in Gaza on Thursday, spoke to the press on Friday.

Agam’s mother Meirav, along with Agam herself, has gained fame for their spiritual gevurah, with both mother and daughter strengthening their emunah and observance of mitzvos during Agam’s long ordeal in Gazan captivity, including Shabbos, Kashrus, and tefillos.

Meirav continued to be mekadeish Shem Shamayim on Friday, beginning her remarks by stating: “Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad” and ending them with “Hodu L’Hashem Ki Tov.”

“I want to start by saying one word: Todah,” she continued, looking upward. “”Thank you to the Borei Olam, thank you to Am Yisrael and Jews in the Diaspora throughout the world, who in an act of inspiring achdut and mutual love, stood by our side, felt our pain, davened with us, taught us the meaning of ahavas chinam, wrapped us in endless love, and was moser nefesh to overturn every rock to bring our Agam home to us.”

She continued by thanking IDF soldiers, political leaders, including US President Donald Trump and Israeli government leaders, family, friends, and their community in Holon.

She thanked her husband Shlomi and her three other children, saying: “Together we embarked on a campaign we never planned for, and we proved to ourselves the power of family, the koach of emunah, and that together, everything is possible.”

“And you, Agam, our superhero. How lucky that you’re ours. B’Ezrat Hashem, take whatever you want, the whole world – who will refuse you.”

She then made a request to the public: “Please, let us continue to pave the path together to bring home the remaining 82 hostages. This is the special power of Am Yisrael – a nation that desires life.”

Shomi then spoke briefly in English, thanking  US President Donald Trump in English, and then gave the microphone back to his wife who ended, by saying: “מה רבו מעשיך ה” and “הודו לה’ כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו.”


(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Meirav , Shomi and Agam, i hope you get to see this. I wish i had a way to contact you and let you know how proud we are of you here in lakewood nj! My heart swells with happiness and pride seeing what youve done. Your neshamot are bursting radience and ruchniut and i am so lucky to be part of the same am as you. we love you and are cheering for you every step of the way.
    a lakewood mishpacha

  2. @charedi amiti
    The definition of a jew is someone who follows the Bris Torah.
    Not someone who thanks a god.
    That’s just religion. It’s been around for a long time. Nothing to do with being “real jews”. A goy also thanks God.
    At best, it would make them Noahides, since they are thanking the God of Israel.

  3. @Happy New Year!

    Please take note—Meirav, Agam’s mother, was not born frum, yet she has wholeheartedly taken upon herself to keep Shabbos and Taharas HaMishpacha. She davens, keeps kashrus, and possesses an extraordinary level of Emunah. She is constantly striving to grow in ruchniyus.
    She is truly deserving of our admiration and pride.

  4. The definition of Yehudi is one who believes in Hashem and denies avoda zara. Even a Moslem, lehavdil, is a yehudi in the literal sense, but not a Ben Yisroel.

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