IDF Preparing To Send 14,000 Additional Draft Orders To Bnei Yeshivos

The IDF is preparing to issue another 14,000 draft orders to bnei yeshivos in the coming weeks, Kan News reported on Wednesday evening.

This represents a significant increase in the number of orders compared to the last recruitment cycle. In the first four months of the current recruitment year, which began in July 2024, the IDF sent 3,000 initial draft orders, and in November, it issued another 7,000 orders.

The results so far, from the IDF’s perspective, have been embarrassing. The vast majority of bnei yeshiovs who received the orders ignored them.

The IDF recently began implementing criminal sanctions against bnei yeshivos who failed to respond to their draft orders.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

20 Responses

  1. Torah and the religion of Israeli liberal secularism are becoming more and more mutually exclusive… the ability to live simultaneously side by side, each group more or less minding its own business without clashing head on, seems to be coming to its end

    Maybe’s it’s time to openly declare that Am Yisrael does not recognise the High Court’s jurisdiction over us and stop trying to square the circle? Then they can decide if they want to continue having their secular state by recognising their inability to decide for us, or lose it by creating an outright rebellion

  2. עוצו עוצו עצה ותופר, דברו דבר ולא יקום, כי עמנו קל, כי עמנו עמנו קל
    עוצו עוצו וכו

  3. May those who respond to the orders and take part in the Mitzva of protecting their fellow Jews go and return l’shalom, shalem b’nefesh u’beguf. May those who refuse – and those who encourage them to do so – do teshuva sheleima b’karov.

    And may those who spend too much time here nattering on about “evil Zionists” and their schemes – get a life!

    an Israeli Yid

  4. Israeli yid- I don’t think i need teshuva advice from someone who just flushed the words of gedolei yisrael down the toilet and contradicted them as well as disrespect. Even if you have good intentions about defending the land, to throw rabbis under the bus based on your perhaps half hour a day of Torah study if we’re lucky is a crime against the Torah. Hopefully you will do teshuva for not caring about what they said. R” yitzchak Yosef whose father you’re very familiar with and nobody debated with said the exact same words every time he was approached with these topics, so if you don’t like his son you really don’t like his father. The Israeli attorney general is evil beyond words and the Supreme Court is already known as a rogue Nazi Institution that goes against the government. And here you are sticking up for them. You should be very afraid for your future

  5. I agree with Israeli yid
    Stop bad mouthing fellow Jews
    Those soldiers with hashems guidance are the reason you and me can still daven at the kosel

  6. An Israeli yid are you suggesting that Rav shach who prohibited bnei yeshiva from sniffing the army is giving a din vecheshbon in bes din shel malka for this directive

    Are you feeling ok

  7. #anIsraeliYid
    I could tell you’re Israeli but how do you call yourself Yid? Yiddishkeit is built on torah and the only thing we belive has power is Hashem, Ve’higisa Bo Yomam V’laila.
    so please take your disgusting trash out of here and go help your “holy zionists” kill themselves.
    I wish you luck!!

  8. @RebEmes – Bemakom Chilul Hashem – Ein Cholkim Kavod l’Rav. The current behavior of Chareidi leadership is a Chilul Hashem par excellance, and yes, I will point it out. Rav Ovadia Yosef was a major Gaon and worthy of respect – but (a) you’re misrepresenting his views, (b) respecting someone does not mean always following him, and (c) his son, the former Rishon miTzion, is not the father.

    @lbj – Midvar Sheker Tirchak. Rav Shach used to yell at talmidim who were in Yeshiva but not learning “if you’re not learning – go to the army!” His view was far more nuanced than that of today’s Chareidi leaders.

    @lkwd613 – you’ve apparently missed the part after “lilmod u’lelamed”, so let me repeat it here for your benefit – it’s “lishmor vela’asos”. You are supposed to ACT based on what the Torah commands, not just LEARN Torah.

    Anything I missed?

    an Israeli Yid

  9. @1818
    very nice we can daven at the kosel, but do some homework read up a bit about how the zionists destroyed yiddishkeit, the gedoilim said that zionism is the worst thing that happend to jews since the churban. so the damage they’ve done does not justify the little bit of good they’ve done

  10. Wishing death on another yid? Can’t expect better from a Radha Merusha from Lakewood Ir Hanidachas. May Hashem punish you severely for your words, amen

  11. a public chillul H’ is
    אל יהרוג

    Refusing to protect fellow Jews and instead relying on a neis that Torah will protect (curiously they don’t rely on those nissim when it comes to dodging the draft resorting to all sorts of hishtadlus and politics) is a big chillul H.

    It’s cowardly. And it doesn’t look good. marris ayin, marris ayin. Worried about kosher coffe in a trayf restaurant!? This marris ayin is a million times worse. Stop debating marris ayin in the beis with cowardly giant marris ayin such as this.

    The one exception is the true tzadikim that literally learn all day. Of those 14000 many don’t fall under this exception.

    YES. Any rabbi will have to give a din Vcheshbon for their opinion. the chofetz Chaim famously stepped down from being a dayan because of the responsibility as he had to give a din Vcheshbon (at least he dreamed he did). Stop with your exaggerated nonsense. If the Chofetz Chaim was concerned about having to give a DinVcheshbon on a small matter these giants will certainly. Don’t you learn about KalVchomer in the beis?

  12. Obvious the anIsraeliYid is a complete Am HaAretz and is looking only to upset the readers of this site. I, who have served as a front line soldier in the Israeli army for many years, can tell you that the combat soldiers are pro Yeshiva as they witness the open miracles Hashem does for them. All the “jobnikim”- office or supply soldiers, who never see combat, are all the sreamers against the Yehivos.

  13. To Mr. amicable33 – please read or re-read the events tha took place with the Shofet Gideon. Also review the Al Hanisim of Channuka. When the Israeli army purifies itself, first- getting rid of all woman soldiers, then maybe there is something to talk about

  14. @Mordechai Hayehudi – I am the parent of multiple combat soldiers (every single one of my sons who is of age is a combat soldier who was called up for this war), some of whom left their Gemaras when called up to fight and are unable to go back yet as there is nobody to take their places. They ABSOLUTELY resent – and do not forgive – those who refuse to join in the defense of the Am Hashem haYoshev b’Tzion, as do their friends – also Beinishim – who serve alongside them. This is the common view amongst those combat soldiers who have made the decision to commit to learning as well as the army, and therefore know the value of each – they also know that there is a time for each. As HKB”H said to Moshe in this week’s Parsha – “Ma titzak elai – daber el Bnei Yisrael v’yisa’u” – there’s a time for tefila and a time for action.

    an Israeli Yid

  15. Mordechai Hayuhudi, what unit did you serve? When I served on the front lines, I can tell you EVERYONE on the front lines were Pro yeshiva bochurim joining them on the front lines. The feeling were that if yeshiva bochurim truly believes in the Torah, why not learn next to a soldier to protect him? Is your Torah that cheap that you have no emunah that it will protect you and other soldiers on the front line?

    So I don’t know what unit you were in, but I can tell you the MAJORITY of soldiers want to see Yeshiva bochurim with them, either to fight, or to give them Chizuk, and not hid behind the Torah as an excuse. They see that as lack of emunah.

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