After Keeping Shabbos In Captivity: Agam’s Message To Am Yisrael: “בדרך אמונה בחרתי – ובדרך אמונה שבתי”


In her short flight over the skies of Israel from the Gaza Strip to Beilinson Hospital, Agam Berger conveyed a message of strength and deep emunah to Am Yisrael.

“In the way of faith I chose, in the way of faith I returned,” her sign from the helicopter stated. “Thank you to all of Am Yisrael and the heroic soldiers of the IDF. There is none like you in the world!”

Agam Berger and her family have been models of emunah. Her mother asked the general public before last Shabbos, when there was an expectation that she would be released in the previous wave with her friends, not to to be mechallel Shabbos by watching or photographing her release.

According to reports, Agam was Shomer Shabbos during her captivity and also refrained from eating meat. Additionally, Ynet reported on Thursday evening that all the female IDF soldiers refrained from eating chometz on Pesach and tried to fast on Yom Kippur.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)





16 Responses

  1. Yeah. Everyone knows she’s just another kofer Tzioni. Let’s all go out and demonstrate against her. Death before conscription!

  2. They probably don’t need to be told, but imagine how much they could accomplish by going around giving droshos to encourage all Jews to keep Shabbos and grow in emuna.

  3. When we glorify secular jews who keep one tiny percent of what we were trained to keep and sacrifice from a young age, it’s really not right.

    So now this person is better than me?
    We could go on and on about all the sacrifices etc….. that i went through for Yiddishkeit for DECADES; down to every last DETAIL.

    But we get no respect.
    Only some random secular Israeli who was never frum, never knew or lived the sacrifice of Frumkeit, from a young age, and probably never truly will.

    And when she says she keeps Shabbos, it’s not the same as our shabbos. She probably cuts toilet paper etc…… etc
    …… etc… etc….

    Why should anyone be frum if these totally secular Israelis are TZADIKIM MAMASH!?!?

    Make up our mind. If we are expected to be Frum, with ALL the details, then these guys are bad. Evil. Reshaiim.


  4. @Happy new year – someone who went through hell on earth came out thanking HKB”H and expressing emunah, and that’s how you react? Do you know how many people who had been “machmir al kala k’chamura” came out of the Holocaust with their emuna shattered and became completely secular – and yet this young woman came through with the first thing she says being “I chose the derech of emuna” – and you criticize?

    You are defining what Yiddishkeit is in an ever-narrowing way – if someone does not keep everything exactly the way you do, their positive actions are not worthy of recognition. What an anti-Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchiv you are…

    an Israeli Yid

  5. when someone came to the satmar rebbe to ask him for a bracha he told them to find someone putting on tefillin over numbers on their arm

  6. So what should I tell my daughter when she asks why she’s not allowed to wear pants?
    What should I tell my son why we can’t go to the beach on shabbos?
    What should I tell myself why I sit in shul for 7 hours on Rosh Hashana?

    If these people are so much “holier and greater than me”, but they wear pants / dont keep shabbos the way do? Etc….

    We have to decide who is good and who’s not.
    If we tell our daughters this girl is the greatest, then why can’t they wear pants??

  7. @Happy new year – are all people totally good or totally bad? Are you able to admire something impressive that someone did, while still not agreeing with something else that same person did? If not, I strongly suggest you get help – it can be a sign of a particular mental health condition that can be treated (and I’m not joking about that).

    As Chazal said – “afilu chot’ei Yisrael m’lei’im mitzvos k’rimon” – even those who are sinners can be full of Mitzvos as well. Admiring someone’s ability to maintain and even further develop emuna in unbelievable conditions does not mean that everything they’ve ever done is perfect – but such person is admirable for what their emuna in any case. Not every person is all good or all bad – and as Reb Levi Yitzchak ZT”L did, it is important to point out and admire the good.

    an Israeli Yid

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