Rebbetzin Adina Landau’s Letter To Released Hostage Romi Gonen

Romi Gonen's stepfather meets with Rebbetzin Landau. Also seen is Chareidi publicist Yisrael Cohen, who helped arrange the meeting.

As YWN reported last week, the family of Romi Gonen, who was released from captivity in Gaza almost two weeks ago, formed close connections with Gedolei Yisrael during her captivity.

Romi’s mother, Meirav Leshem-Gonen, and her husband (Romi’s stepfather) visited the home of HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau in Bnei Brak several times, among others.

Meirav and her husband received a bracha from the Rosh HaYeshivah and met with Rebbetzin Adina Landau several times, who took their plight to heart and provided them with chizzuk and tefillos.

This week, Romi’s stepfather, Asaf, accompanied by publicist Yisrael Cohen, who had arranged the visits, came to thank the Rebbetzin for her support. He cried as he spoke to her and she cried along with him. She also emphasized to him the magnitude of the neis that Romi returned alive from Gaza. At the end of the conversation, he called Meirav so she could personally thank the Rebbetzin for her support and tefillos and convey her thanks to the Rosh Yeshivah.

The Rebbetzin also wrote a special letter to Meirav and Romi, which was published on Kikar H’Shabbat.

The letter states: “To Meirav Leshem-Gonen and her daughter Romi:

“Dear Romi: We were filled with immense joy and excitement when we received the news of the great neis that the Creator performed in releasing you from the difficult captivity. All of us, the entire Jewish people, davened for you, the children, the boys, the girls, the women.”

“Your amazing strength to withstand hardship, a long era of darkness, attests to your unique inner self and your inner emunah. You are destined for a special role to spread light and emunah around you.”

“We were amazed by your dear mother, who did not lose hope – who was filled with emunah to merit a yeshuah.”

“You, dear Romi, and your important mother still have a mission awaiting you, to publicize the nissim of Hakadosh Baruch Hu to the world and to be mekadeish Shem Shamayim. May you merit to recover, you and your friends, and meet the rest of the hostages and whisper with excitement, ‘יהי שם השם מבורך.'”

“With a bracha for an imminent yeshuah.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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