COALITION TEETERING: Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri Issues Dramatic Ultimatum to Netanyahu Over Yeshiva Draft Law

Yeshivas Ponevezh (Photo: Shuki Lehrer)

Shas chairman Aryeh Deri has issued a stark ultimatum to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, threatening to bring down the government if a conscription law exempting yeshiva bochurim from military service is not passed within two months. Speaking on Charedi radio station Kol Baramah, Deri declared, “If the status of lomdei torah isn’t regulated, we’ll go to elections in two months.”

Deri expressed outrage at the current discourse surrounding yeshiva bochurim, lamenting, “Who would have dreamed that Torah scholars would be called criminals?” He also accused members of the national-religious camp of joining what he called a “hate campaign” and warned that their actions could lead to the collapse of the right-wing government.

Deri’s threat comes as Netanyahu’s coalition faces mounting instability. Shas’ support for the 2025 state budget—required by the end of March to prevent early elections—is now in question. This follows the recent resignation of Otzma Yehudit leader Itamar Ben Gvir over the hostage ceasefire deal with Hamas and similar threats from Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Smotrich, who demands a return to fighting in Gaza.

The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee is currently debating legislation on Charedi enlistment, with pressure mounting from both Shas and United Torah Judaism (UTJ). However, committee chairman Yuli Edelstein (Likud) has indicated that any bill must significantly increase IDF enlistment, which runs counter to Charedi parties’ demands.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has proposed a gradual plan to draft 50% of the eligible Charedi cohort by 2032, but Deputy Attorney General Gil Limon has stated that this fails to meet the High Court’s mandate for fair enlistment.

Shas MK Erez Malul criticized the committee discussions, calling them “unserious and full of incitement.” Meanwhile, opposition leader Avigdor Liberman took to social media, urging immediate elections: “There’s no point in waiting two months—we need to go to the polls now.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. The only important order of business is to extricate every single hostage, and everything else even combined, is not even fractionally as important, so every other squabble needs to take back burner until such time that every hostage is out.

  2. Seems r Deri confirmed that only lomdei Torah should be excluded from service. This sounds like a healthy compromise to me. Hopefully this will increase both number of hayalim and lomdei Torah

  3. I simply don’t understand these people. They will never be in any government other than this one. The opposition will rule and they will have no say whatsoever. I don’t get it. The constant threat of we’re leaving the government is so childish, as I see it. I don’t understand Israeli politics at all.

  4. This is such a sham. The Torah is the patrimony of all Israel, not just an elite priestly class. Stop schnorring and share the burden.

  5. Based on today’s numbers it doesn’t look like the left would ever put a majority together either, so it will just be a status quo government and maybe further elections. So they know they stay in power pretty much even if they go to elections

  6. Deri is a criminal. His opposition to the draft law is no less than a rotzeyach! He is an apikoras and no different than a reform rabbi reinterpreting the holy Torah.

  7. 147
    Obviously the anti religious people in the government does not feel this way and they have nothing better to do with such a terrible situation than to make religious people go to the army.
    It’s all not true, it’s a bluff.They don’t really need them if it was really so important.They could bring back all those israeli’s in america living their life

    Myself and others are wondering why these people are still in the government supporting these terrible things

  8. @A Good Jew.
    You need to leave your Yeshiva and learn how the world works. You cannot force anyone, even your citizens, to come back once they leave your country. But you could force citizens in your country to join the army. If citizens don’t want to participate, they also have the option of leaving. So everyone should be leaving if they do not want to participate.

  9. Ari knobler did you ever hear of shevet Levi are you familiar with the rambam at the end of Shmitah veyovel he doesnot call them shnorrers not at all
    he would call you pathetic and clueless

  10. i’m not sure how these Shtyging Yeshiva Bochurim get back and forth from their apartments to the beis medrash. i mean i wouldn’t want them to become non religious from all those outside forces on the street.

    Heaven forbid they should go to the army for a year or two in a Not-Religious-Enough hesder program and become not religious from those terrible influences. all while israel is facing a seven front war against genocidal enemies

    Keep on making a chillul Hashem. keep your “shtyging” intact as you cause others to hate religious people. smart.

  11. Leviim were exempt only for war that’s not a milchemet mitzvah. Even assuming defending israel against terrorits is not considered a milchemet mitzvah the shulchan aruch states clearly ALL jews must defend

    Here is the full text of Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 329:6, which discusses the obligation to defend against attacks on Jewish communities:

    שולחן ערוך אורח חיים סימן שכ”ט סעיף ו’:
    “עיר הסמוכה לספר, אפילו לא באו אלא על עסקי תבן וקש, מחללין עליהם את השבת. ובמה דברים אמורים – כשבאים עליהם מחוץ לתחום; אבל אם באו בתוך התחום, יוצאים עליהם בכלי זיינם ומחללין עליהם את השבת, ואפילו לא באו אלא על עסקי תבן וקש. ובכל מקום, אם באו על עסקי נפשות, או שערים מישראל צרו עליהם, יוצאים עליהם בכלי זיינם ומחללים עליהם את השבת.”

  12. How do ppl who have no shaychus to olam hayeshivot the Ohr Hatorah shteiging in Aliyah of a Ben Torah speak to leaving it for the tumah laden idf
    you can’t speak to something if you are wholly unfamiliar.

  13. Look at all theses Talmidie chachomim and lamdonim (in previous comments) who don’t see the shark right in front of their face . The army as it stands is forbidden to be part of. They fall under the categories of meisis and meidiach. Every aveirah in the torah is being transgressed in the army which makes it Y’horog v’al yavor. They are guided by left wing morals. They punish the good people for mistreating terrorists. They put their people in danger for the sake of saving “civilians” while causing thousand of orphans, widows permanently wounded permanently mentally unstable solders.
    If anyone says otherwise, they are either biased, naive, or in denial because it doesn’t fit the narrativez.
    If you are thinking objectively, you need to make up your mind. Either its all guided by shulchan aruch or its structured like all other western countries’ armies. (do your research) Which ever way, it won’t look like the Israeli army.

  14. lbj: The schnorrers are choosing not to stand with their people in their hour of agony, and they are hiding behind religion to do so. I knew someone was going to bring up the Levi’im issue when I wrote my comment, but that issue is a nonstarter as most of the schnorrers are not from Shevet Levi. Further, as so-called Torah scholars and sinless individuals they are required by the Torah to go to war on behalf of their brethren.

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