Peleg Yerushalmi Protests Over Draft Law Disrupt Traffic In Yerushalayim And Tel HaShomer [VIDEOS]

For the second consecutive day, hundreds of kanoyim staged protests against Charedi enlistment, escalating their demonstrations in Yerushalayim and near the IDF recruitment office in Tel HaShomer.

On Tuesday, protesters blocked Shazar Boulevard outside the International Convention Center in Yerushalayim, where an event honoring Charedi soldiers was taking place. Chanting slogans and distributing flyers, the demonstrators denounced enlistment as an existential threat to the Charedi way of life. Some flyers labeled Shas party leader Aryeh Deri a “murderer of neshamos” for his role in discussions on a new draft law aimed at regulating the status of yeshiva bochurim.

Meanwhile, earlier Tuesday morning, protests erupted near the IDF’s Tel HaShomer recruitment center. Demonstrators attempted to block young Charedi men from entering the base, with some lying in the streets to disrupt traffic. Police officers declared the protest illegal and worked to disperse the crowd, arresting one individual for assaulting police officers. Roads in the area, including Yaakov Dori Street, were closed to traffic.

The protests follow the High Court’s invalidation of the long-standing draft exemption for yeshiva bochurim, prompting the government to draft new legislation. While Charedi parties aim to preserve limud torah as much as possible, many view any compromise as unacceptable.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. They are entitled to their opinion. But nowhere in Torah value is there a heter to be mazik the tzibbur. I challenge their “Torah” authorities to provide references that permit them to harm me in order to make their point. Until then, I consider them lowlifes, exploiting the name of Torah to justify their lack of consideration for others. That is why I do not have a cell in my body that would defend these fake “scholars” from whatever the police would do to them.

  2. very glad to see this resistance to the zionist shmad, we will not serve under any circumstances, the Torah is thousands of years old and zionism is not even 100, we have plently of frum billionaires, no threats will work against us.

  3. Why would the Zionists want such people in their army, especially in war time? They should allow Jews to file as conscientious objectors, and then be given the civil rights (or lack thereof) of those Arabs who don’t serve in the IDF.

  4. What happened to 1st Seder? How is it that anyone who is not in full agreement with this fringe group is labeled a murderer. Terms like Murderer, Hitler, Nazi, are cheapened when illiterate people use those terms willy nilly.

  5. For those who don’t understand the chareidi opposition to the draft, it may help to change perspectives and analyze the “system” as if it were a business. Two words accurately describe it: Pyramid Scheme. Removing even a few pieces at the bottom threatens the structural integrity of the whole. The argument isn’t based on halachic consideration (e.g. to argue that this isn’t a milchemes mtzvah) but “preservation” of the “mesora”

  6. You don’t need to “argue that this is not a milchemet mitzvah”
    If there is not one Poseik or rosh yeshiva, who is non daati leumi that says it is a milchemet mitzvah than you know it is not

    It is an absolute joke to suggest it is. if you said it to any serious talmid chochom they would laugh, unless they don’t want to embarrass you.

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