Shas MK: “My Son Was Drafted; If He’s Arrested, He’ll Learn Torah In Prison”

Shas MK Yossi Taeib. (Danny Shem-Tov/Knesset spokesperson)

Shas MK Yossi Taieb, the chairman of the Knesset’s Education Committee, said on Tuesday morning that his son received a draft order but he won’t be reporting to the recruitment center.

Speaking during an interview with Kol B’Ramah, Taieb said: “My son received a draft order and he asked me what to do.”

“I told him: ‘You have Roshei Yeshivah, you have the Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah – do what they say.”

“I’m not worried,” Taieb added. “He sits and learns seriously, he loves to learn. We’ll do what [the Rabbanim] instruct. If they say he needs to be arrested, then he’ll be arrested and learn Torah in prison.”

The Rabbanim of the Sephardi Moetzet have instructed bochurim to ignore their draft orders.

The IDF recently began implementing criminal sanctions against bnei yeshivos who failed to respond to their draft orders.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. We owe absolute highest order of gratitude to our beloved army who works so hard to keep our beloved 🇮🇱 safe:- We give them our highest הכרת הטוב

  2. The state is only beloved to those that Torah is not their foremost priority. If it is the state is not beloved and can not be beloved.

  3. This seem to work, the guy can learn in prison, and the government can easily check how many Blatt he does per day through the security cameras. I presume kashrus is acceptable.

  4. im a little confused, do they(IDF) really expect us to suddenly say “hey why are we protesting?” “its illegal to protest!” “lets go join the army!” (sorry no shiachis…)

  5. Give him what he wants. He’ll need to wait a bit for a chavrusa, but in the meantime he could do kiruv in prison. I just hope that the environment in prison won’t shmad him worse than serving his brothers and sisters in the IDF would. Talk is cheap.

  6. His son will be put to work in prison. His days of waking up late and heading to a 9 am minyan and then shmoozing with friends over coffee are over.

    Obviously he hasn’t learned much or he would know in a milchemet mitzva serving in the army is a chiyuv.

    What is he more religious that Yehoshua or David Hamelech?

  7. LBJ, why do dati leumi poskim need to “‘splain” anything? They have the same koach hatorah as the haredi poskim. Their learning is no less than that of the haredim. They pasken according to the Torah as they see it, and they don’t own any ‘splanation to anyone else.

    Haredi supremacy is no more valid than Sefardi supremacy or Ashkenazi supremacy. Haredim have no more right to demand that DL obey their pesakim than Sefardim have to demand that Ashkenazim stop eating non-glatt meat, or Ashkenazim have to demand that Sefardim stop eating kitniyot.

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