MAILBAG: Donald Trump Is The Tov Sheb’Esav Leading Us To The Geulah. How Dare You Slander Him?

(100% not edited and published as written)

I feel the YWN must apologize for even allowing this week’s mailbag to be printed. The fact that you wrote that YWN writes that the mailbag article doesn’t represent the web’s views is inconsequential. At the end of the day, YWN  allowed slander to be published against the most pro-Jewish President EVER.

In the last six days alone, Trump has proven to be an איש אמת, doing things that no other person could possibly do in terms of fighting the evil, twisted, Amaleki Left. But what Trump has done since he came down the escalator is non-stop GOOD for the world.  Listen to Rabbi Mendel Kessin, shlita (on Torah Anytime and YouTube); he has said for so long that Trump is a Messianic figure who will aid Moshiach Ben Yosef in being מתקן העולם and restoring Israel to its rightful place of glory in the world. Trump is a gilgul of Antoninus who is the טוב שבעשו that will survive in the End of Days and will assist his younger brother Yaakov באחרית הימים as told to Rivka Imainu בנבואה -ורב יעבד צעיר.

This article is mechalel shem shomayim. It was written obviously by a Leftist, Woke brainwashed fellow who is an anti-Trumper. It’s a nauseating article and YWN should feel a moral and ethical obligation to undo the damage it might have caused.

Witkoff is a sincere Ohev Yisroel. Anyone who heard him speak and saw him should be able to realize that. Whether the hostage deal was good or bad, one can debate, but that Steve Witkoff was sincere was clearly evident. Just by looking at his face and seeing how he felt the families pain.

Regarding the J6 pardons-of course, Trump did the right thing. Those protesters saw the end of their country and democracy if Biden won and the Dems truly stole the election, and so of course they had every right to storm the capital and kill those murderers!! They had their heads on straight. Look at what happened in the last four years. Evil upon evil. Immorality to the max. Crime and deaths off the roof. October 7 would never have happened had Trump been President. We could go on and on…The J6 protesters should have been HONORED, not imprisoned…

And regarding the writer’s last line that Trump used the families as props-how sick and demented is the writer. Trump is as real as can be. There’s not a drop of sheker in him. What he feels is what he says. I humbly feel that that middah is probably the overriding middah why he was chosen by HaShem to assist the Jews at the End of Days and to be the טוב שבעשו. He sincerely feels the pain.

Anyone who follows Trump- look at the millions of Americans who see that – know that he has a heart sooo big… he is selfless, not ego-driven, like the blind person will say. Follow him in North Carolina. In Los Angeles. Listen to the testimonies of countless downtrodden, victims of abuse who spoke at the RNC  of Trump’s chesed and compassion to them in saving them from the Evil…How Trump values life and families and how many times has he said – first we must put G-d into our lives, then religion, then perhaps love and THEN comes tarriffs.

This writer is sadly a Woke, brainwashed, corrupt thinking Leftist who will likely not merit to live when Moshiach comes -unless he does a serious reawakening.

And I will add one more thing- your article about Lindsey Graham is also inappropriate. Graham is a RINO, and though he is pro-Israel he is off in his views, as one sees regarding the J6 protesters. The protesters hardly did a thing. George Floyd rioters murdered, burnt, looted destroyed innocent peoples property, etc, the Muslim protesters on campuses and elsewhere -the same… and nothing was done to them… but the couple of protesters who were fighting for the truth and who were WRONGED and who already served a horrible four years of horrific inhumane unfair treatment – they should not be pardoned??? Anyone who thinks that way, their brain is corrupt thinking, and should not be given any credibility.

It’s time for YWN to start rethinking their own views… perhaps it is tainted by corrupt thinking and that’s why it feels comfortable printing articles that bash Trump…

I never have written before to YWN. I haven’t the time. But I felt a moral obligation to decry falsehood, to stop the smearing of a Jew (Witkoff) and Trump – to whom the Jewish people owe soooo much hakoras hatov to.

Had Trump just freed Rubashkin, it was enough- Dayeinu-of a reason that no Yid could ever speak badly of him. He did it right away… what no other President would have done. But multiply that by the millions of good that he has done since. During Trump’s first tenure alone, there was not one attack on Israel. How can people bash him?????? It’s mind-boggling.

The only way is if a person is wearing dirty glasses. They have been poisoned by the Radical Left or have been Democrats…or are very superficial and all they hear is the way he talks… And regarding that too -Trump speaks in his brash way only when addressing the Wicked. As the hagaddah writes when we speak with the rasha -הקהה את שניו and ובערת הרע מקרבך. Trump is the most noble and eloquent speaker when talking to people who are moral, decent and kind.

It’s time for every Jewish publication to humbly and publicly show appreciation for Trump. He is a human being and can make mistakes but he is well-intended and no, he did not threaten Bibi like he did to Hamas. It’s not possible that’s a truth if you know anything about him. He knows GOOD from EVIL as opposed to the writer of the mailbag article.

Continued Hatzlacha in your endeavors. And May it reflect Da’as Torah.


Devorah Muskat

The views expressed in this letter are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us for review. 

22 Responses

  1. All correct except Trump is Moshiach. But first he needs to become Rebbe of Lubavitch hence why he has been seeking the last Rebbe’s blessing.

  2. Trump has proven himself in the past and present to be a good president for the U.S., good for the Jews, and good for Israel. BE”H that will continue. However, no one is perfect, and thinking otherwise is creating a personality cult and possibly avoda zarah. Part of democracy is to be able to voice you’re opinions, even if you don’t like them. All Jews are thrilled that the hostages are coming home. Many rightfully question the ceasefire deal and apparent pressure that was put on Israel, the amount of murderous terrorists that are being put back on the street, and if there were any ulterior political motives. Maybe there were secret agreements with Netanyahu that we don’t know about that will ultimately be good for Israel. Who knows, times will tell.

  3. Thank you for proving the depth of the Trump cult insanity. Thank you YWN for printing the Mailbag piece detailing the dangers of Trump 2.0. Everyone should read it. The writer even forgot to mention how Trump is putting Tulsi Gabbard a pro-Assad isolationist in a leading position of power. Just a few years ago Gabbard was a Bernie Sanders a vocal chair leader. And all this is nothing of his cruelty by cutting foreign aid and turning his back on hundreds who helped America fight it’s wars.

  4. “There is not a drop of Sheker in him” this ridiculous statement regarding the man whose personal life is the embodiment of sheker. Trump is a sick petty man willing to put those who previously worked for him in life threatening danger because of his grotesque ego and constant need for revenge.

  5. Wow. Just wow. I was hoping this letter was satire, but it seems to actually be a superb example of what the writer of the previous mailbag letter was warning us about. How ironic that the letter ends with an appeal to follow “daas Torah” yet doesn’t cite a single reputable Torah source to support its outlandish claims about Trump and Moshiach. It’s actually extremely sickening that someone would take a political opinion and dress it up in the clothing of Torah as this letter writer has done, and I am sure that it gives no nachas to the One Above.

  6. So, Ms Muskat, it is clearly your opinion that the obscure chazals you reference are POSITIVELY going to be realized with Trump. But there is a problem here. Chiefly, you do not cite any daas Torah that agrees with you. Now, I understand that few if any truly learned people would cite the “facts” as you present them, although they would agree that it is possible that it could play out that way. This is because they are not Prophets, but you seem to feel that you are.
    If you had simply stated your opinion of what will (or may) occur, without bashing anyone who is not on board with your playbook, I would not have said a word. You’re entitled to your opinions, and if a website is willing to publish them, so be it. But you have gone over the top, by fooling yourself that your belief is fact, and as a result, you have condemned innocent people. This probably not a mitzvah. חושד בכשרים, רכילות, I’m no Rav, but it could be quite serious.
    My recommendation to you would be to publish an apology (maybe as a comment here, or a “MailBag”), and recognize that you need to think before you write, and that you could probably use some wise guidance. (עד כאן)
    This is my note to Ms Muskat in case there really is a Devorah Muskat, since she has done something not right by the Jewish people (imho). However, I do want to recognize that many readers here believe that the whole MailBag is fake, only here to spark the fires in some coolaid-drinkers. I actually strongly subscribe to that possibility, so please don’t accuse me of being sucker-punched!

  7. Netanyahu and only Netanyahu is to blame for all capitulation. He is the biggest leftist in the world, far more dangerous than Lapid who at least admits he is leftist while Netanyahu poses as right.

    Netanyahu (and his million or so believers, a real cult!) cultivated and funded Hamas for years, Netanyahu refuses to settle Gaza today, which is the only real solution. He sacrificed and sacrifices hundreds of soldiers’ lives for his futile effort to maintain his image as a humanitarian.

    The day after Oct. 7 Israel could have done anything they wanted in Gaza and no one would have objected. It is Netanyahu and his policy of procrastination and dragging out to buy time at all costs that let all the legitimacy go down the toilet. Netanyahu killed hundreds of soldiers without causing Hamas to lose one inch of land, at the end of the day he will simply surrender and the world with Netanyahu in the lead will line up to finance the rebuilding of Gaza.

    The other sensible option could have and should have been a comprehensive hostage deal emptying Israel’s prisons of Hamas prisoners followed by a brutal and merciless declaration of a new war on Hamas by Israel. Shimon and Levi with Shechem style…

    Netanyahu refuses to do anything sensible, the only thing he knows how to do is buy time no matter what the cost is in lives or anything else.

    At the end of the day the real hostages are Netanyahu’s million followers who are so attached to his tone of voice they follow him to their death.

    It is the Israeli Right that refuses to provide an alternative to Netanyahu from the Right who is to blame and no one else.

  8. Can YWN please take this down? There has to be a difference between seriously written mailbag editorials and ranting lunatics yelling their opinions. I don’t believe this article meets the standard of journalism professed by this website.

  9. It’s sad how easily Jews get brainwashed by someone who is nice to us.
    I didn’t vote at all in his first election, nor the 2nd election. I voted for him this time not because I like him but because I didn’t think America could survive another 4 years of the Dems.
    Trump is a very flawed man & it boggles the mind people think he has a principled stance on Israel or Jews.
    At least Biden with all his flaws understood the need for Israel to survive & the historical ties of our 2 countries.
    If Trump wakes up one morning & decides to go full blown “Isolationist” he will drop Ukraine, Israel & other countries like a burning hot piece of Kugel. He has no love (or hate) for Israel. As long is it helps him he loves Jews & Israel. But as soon as it becomes a liability to him he’ll hang Israel & us out to dry.

  10. wow. Charif!
    Kudos for laying it out. not sure about the whole Tov shebiEisov thing, but seems like everything else mentioned really does lead to the logical conclusion that Trump is an Oheiv Yisroel, albeit, now he’s a Melech, and Lev Melochim BiYad Hashem. so he can really do good or bad now…
    as for all the other commentators, sometimes i wonder if they’re trying to imitate the babylon bee in the footnotes of YWN articles, or if they simply watch too much CNN.
    Hashem knows.

  11. The usual offenders in the comments, no courage to post their real names of course, most are bots for the mentally ill lefties, anytime something conservative is posted they come out in a full force coordinated attack, it’s hilarious! Devorah Muskat is a truth seeker and a truth teller, something that these loonies are allergic to, I mean how much free time do they have to be so closely monitoring every single article and posting their rants on everything that goes against their narrative?? Everyone with the best interest of this country at heart cried when they stole the election from Trump, and now we see how well HaShem coordinated it so he would return with the full force and wrath of a man wronged, fearful of God only, and on a holy quest to set this country right and clearly be a friend of the Jews. Thank you Devorah Muskat for being an unapologetic speaker of the truth!

  12. This is spot on. I wish I could have said it that well myself. You wrote all your arguments so clearly and so well. Most people are too scared to say what you said, despite it being right on target.

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