Hizbullah, Syrian, Iranian and Hamas Threats

hamas.jpgIDF Intelligence Branch Chief of Research Brigadier-General Yossi Beiditz on Monday gave a comprehensive briefing to members of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee, detailing the many threats facing Israel today, from the north to the south. The senior officer explained that while Hizbullah would like to attack Israel, the terror organization is concerned over the Israeli response. At present he explained, Hizbullah is trying to down a plane over Lebanon.

Addressing the forum prior to the arrival of the prime minister, Beiditz focused on the growing threat presented by Hamas in Gaza. He spoke of the growth in the military and political spheres, explaining Hamas is working towards creating a state in Gaza. He spoke of the sharp increase in weapons smuggling, in no small part the result of the absence of the Israeli military as a result of the ceasefire.

The new reality in Gaza presents a mounting military threat to Israel he explained, referring to the homefront, citing the increase in Hamas’ Kassam rocket arsenal, including longer-range rockets. Hamas’ focus on arming itself also presents a greater threat to IDF soldiers, who most feel will eventually be compelled to enter Gaza.

Regarding Syria, Damascus is operating on two different fronts. One the one hand, exhibiting an outstretched arm to peace, which the senior officer calls an erroneous assumption; while on the other hand, stepping up efforts to prepare for the next conflict.

He explained that on the diplomatic front, we saw the recent meeting in Syria, hosting French President Nicolas Sarkozy, but Syrian leader al-Assad is working in earnest to strengthen ties with the radical fundamentalist elements. Syria is working hand-in-hand with Hizbullah and Iran, acting as a major player in the arms train to terrorists based in southern Lebanon.

Regarding Iran, Beiditz speaks of 2010 as the date for Iranian nuclear independence, stating Iran continues efforts towards achieving the goal, ignoring the warnings and sanctions of the international community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. I wish there was a way we can convince the Israeli government that the best defense they can possibly have is to support Shabbos and to support Torah. Then Hashem will surely give them the strength and knowledge to deal with the enemies. Is there an address we can all send letters to?

  2. 2. You have to know that be a schomer schabos & to keep mitzvos is not the thing to stop all this problems. The main issue is what thay create that land before MOSCHEACH is coming that’s the problem

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