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SITUATION WORSENS: Lev Tahor Children Separated From Their Mothers After Being Forcibly Starved

Guatemalan authorities were forced to separate children from their mothers because the mothers were not allowing the children to eat.

According to sources, Lev Tahor leaders instructed the mothers to starve the children so they would only receive food that the cult wanted them to eat.

The children were forbidden from eating even fruits and vegetables.

A source in Guatemala said: “They told the children to starve and not to eat things they could eat, for example, fruits and vegetables. They told them not to eat anything, to starve themselves, to hurt themselves, and all sorts of things,” in order to exert pressure on the authorities.

One source said: ” I think a baby should be with his mother. But that’s what the judge decided. They separated all the children from their mothers because the mothers are abusing them. They are forced to do this under the leadership’s orders; they’ve been brainwashed.”

The source added that the authorities are concerned that “the leaders of the cult will put certain substances in the food. There are all kinds of drugs they can push on the children.”

He added that there are guidelines for mothers to kill their children if the government takes them, or if “the Zionists” try to rescue them from there. In letters published by the cult leaders in the past, members of the cult were told that they must sacrifice their lives.

The instructions of cult leaders to kill the children.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Joseph,

    Lies, damnable lies, right?

    How’s your bestie, the “ger tzedek” doing in jail and is the pidyon shvuyim fund raking in the bucks? With all your criminal heroes under indictment and arrest, you’re going to have to host a massive fundraiser!

  2. The government didn’t have kosher food and only offered then non-kosher, which the children refused to eat. So the Gutamalan government took the children away from the parents hoping they without the parents they’d convince the children to eat non-kosher.

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