Chareidi MKs: “It’s Inconceivable That In A Jewish State, Lomdei Torah Will Be Punished”

Yeshivas Ponevezh (Photo: Shuki Lehrer)

The Chareidi parties slammed the new clause introduced by Defense Minister Yisrael Katz in an outline of a Chareidi draft law he presented to the Knesset on Tuesday, which states that if Chareidi enlistment target numbers are not reached, personal sanctions will be implemented against lomdei Torah.

The Hebrew-language Yated Ne’eman and Hamodia newspapers published reports on Wednesday morning decrying Katz’s decision to include the clause in the draft bill.

The Yated report stated: “The Chareidi sector reiterates that it will stand with all its vigor and means at its disposal to ensure that any ben yeshivah who desires to devote himself to Torah can learn Torah without disturbance. It is inconceivable that in a Jewish state, lomdei Torah would be punished in any way for exercising their right and duty to immerse themselves in Torah, which is a protection and salvation, especially during a time when Klal Yisrael is in danger.”

“In light of the developments, the representatives will consult with the Gedolei Yisrael to receive instructions and guidance on how to act in the existing circumstances so that every ben yeshivah and avreich kollel can devote themselves to limud Torah, without interference and without threats of punishment and attempts to diminish the Torah among Klal Yisrael, chas v’chalilah.”

The Hamodia article stated: “The Chareidi representatives reiterate that it is inconceivable that in a Jewish state, sanctions would be imposed on lomdei Torah. We’ll act with all our might and means at our disposal to ensure that every ben yeshivah whose soul longs for Torah can toil in Torah without interruption, especially at a time when everyone is yearning for Chasdei and Rachamei Shamayim, and Torah is a shield and salvation.”

“The Charedi representatives made it clear: ‘כל כלי יוצר עליך לא יצלח’ [no tool you create will succeed] and when the matters are presented clearly and comprehensively, they will be brought before the Gedolei HaDor, who will decide on this matter concerning the very essence of faithful Yahadus.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Medinat Yisrael does not claim to be a Jewish state. It claims to a zionist state, open to Jews, with a goal of liberating Jews from the yoke of Torah.

    For a goyish state, albeit one with lots of Yidden, it is fairly friendly to Jews, most of the time.

  2. “The Hamodia article stated: “The Chareidi representatives reiterate that it is inconceivable that in a Jewish state, sanctions would be imposed on lomdei Torah“

    That’s because Israel isnt a Jewish state, it’s a Zionist one

  3. The Israeli government has no obligation to support lomdei Torah with tax money. The secular population of Israel can’t be forced to support them.

  4. What comes first “Chicken or the egg”?

    “…to ensure that every ben yeshivah whose soul longs for Torah can toil in Torah without interruption…”  This is what I fail to understand. Souls longing to learn doesn’t constitute a right.  First it has to be determined whether or not, al pi Torah, they are obligated join the IDF.  If you determine that they are not obligated then they can or perhaps they are obligated to learn.  

  5. LOL
    The tragic joke is on the Chareidi MKs. Not a single erlicha Yid EVER declared Israel a Jewish State?! Israel was founded to eradicate Judaism. I didnt say it, Herzel did. Jabotinsky did. Bibi’s on their despicable path.
    You work with atheists hand in hand and at a certain juncture u come to ur G d given senses realizing how “inconceivable” the Zionist State is.
    Wake up and smell the coffee! Stop pandering to these Apikorsim. All they live for is for all you MKs to bow to the altar of Zionism and hey, are u ever doing a heck of a sick job.

  6. It’s inconceivable to me that lomdei torah want others to die in their place because they think they are the only ones learning torah and their lives are more important.

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