THE IRONY: Poland’s Duda To Gov’t: “Shield Netanyahu So He Can Attend Auschwitz Ceremony”

Polish President Andrzej Duda, front right, delivers a speech during a ‘Warsaw Ghetto Uprising’ commemoration reception in Warsaw, Poland, Wednesday, April 19, 2023. Presidents, Holocaust survivors and their descendants are marking the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The anniversary honors the hundreds of young Jews who took up arms in Warsaw in 1943 against the overwhelming might of the Nazi German army. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)

Polish President Andrzej Duda is urging his government to ensure Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu won’t be arrested so he can enter the country for the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Bloomberg News reported on Thursday.

Polish media outlets reported last month that Netanyahu will not attend the ceremony due to fears of arrest in the wake of the arrest warrant issued against him by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in November 2024.

Following the ICC’s announcement, Deputy Polish Foreign Minister Władysław Bartoszewski, who is overseeing the January 27 ceremony, stressed Poland’s obligation to adhere to ICC decisions. “We are obligated to respect the decisions of the ICC,” Bartoszewski said.

Duda sent a letter on Wednesday to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk urging him to guarantee that Netanyahu could enter Poland for the ceremony “unhindered,” describing the potential visit of the Israeli prime minister for the ceremony as “absolutely exceptional circumstances.”

Duda encouraged the government to formulate a legal solution that would allow Poland to host Netanyahu for the ceremony while still adhering to the ICC’s decision.

The report comments that Duda has frequently squabbled with the Polish government and his request may go unheeded.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. This commemoration is locking to be an amazing one. No Jews (like it or not, but in the eys of most of the world’s population the Israeli state does represent them), no Russians who liberated the camp. But Germans, Poles, Ukrainians and Lithuanians who operated the enterprise will all be there. Could as well make a party honoring their grandfathers.

  2. Obliko, be careful, Poland actually has a law making it a crime to suggest that Poles weren’t 100% pure and innocent.

  3. I yearn in vain to see genuine penitence for their complicity with the Nazis. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising has been reframed as act of ‘Polish Resistance’, while the destruction, murder and deportation are described as German acts of aggression against the Poles. Most of all, its unbelievable that the Jews have generated Auschwitz mass visits to enrich the Polish coffers, as we go to ogle how our kith and kin were starved, tortured, murdered and burnt. And now, while these wretches are proudly upholding the warped ICC sanctions, they are trying to find a whitewashing loophole to enable Netanyahu to grant legitimacy to their lucrative tourist location.

  4. The irony is that the wicked Zionists caused that Holocaust and also contributed to it with their idolatry of Zionism above all else. The Zionists have stated that they do not regret that, and, on the contrary, continue that idolatrous – and deeply anti-Jewish – policy. That is the irony of the gentiles needing to make a special exception for a Zionist to claim to be the savior of the Jews when the Zionists were exactly the opposite and remain the same.

  5. OblikoMorale:
    The nations of the world (their leaders) know very well the truth that the Zionists have never represented the Jews and do not represent Jews despite the Zionist lies.

  6. The irony: had the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto succeeded in preventing the genocide against them, their leaders would have been criminally tried by the ICC…

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