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HY’D: Three IDF Soldiers Killed in Gaza Combat; Fourth Solider Critical From Same Incident

The Israel Defense Forces IDF announced the tragic loss of three soldiers during combat operations in the northern Gaza Strip. Both soldiers served in the 46th Armored Battalion of the 401st “Iron Trails” Brigade.

– Staff Sergeant Matityahu Ya’akov Perel HY”D, 22, from Bet El.
– Staff Sergeant Kanaoo Kasa HY”D, 22, from Bet Shemesh.
– Staff Sergeant Nevo Fisher HY”D, 20, from Bruchin.

Additionally, an officer from the same battalion was critically injured in the incident. He has been evacuated to a hospital for treatment, and his family has been informed.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. @lakewoodbt – keeping up with your Motzi Shem Ra, I see.

    Yes, a significant number of secular Israelis – as well as Druze and Beduin – have died in this war, though the proportion of Dati Leumi who have fallen is higher than their share of the population. This is mainly due to their understanding of what true Mesiras Nefesh for Klal Yisrael actually means – as opposed to another group that seems to think Mesiras Nefesh means giving up on an extra serving of Thursday night Cholent and Kugel after night Seder.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. @lakewoodbt That’s an insane comment. This isn’t a competition. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew is a Jew. And even if a soldier isn’t a Jew, it’s tragic and we owe so much to them for their sacrifice.

    I don’t understand how someone can be not only heartless, but also so horribly hateful towards other Jews just because they’re secular. How much Sinas Chinam do you have in your heart that you even noticed what type of Jews are dying more? (And to be dan l’kaf zechus other people who have noticed it, I’m not assuming that they all have Sinas Chinam. But it’s pretty clear that the cause of your noticing is your animosity towards secular Israelis.) Do you not yearn for Moshiach?

    Also, it’s not too late to delete your comment and prevent more of a Chillul Hashem of your own doing.

  3. Oy such wonderful beautiful neshamos. It is too painful to contemplate.
    ויקונן דוד את הקינה הזאת על שאול ועל יהונתן בנו… הצבי ישראל על במותיך חלל איך נפלו גיבורים: אל תגידו בגת אל תבשרו בחוצות אשקלון פן תשמחנה בנות פלישתים פן תעלוזנה בנות הערלים: הרי בגלבוע אל טל ואל מטר עליכם ושדי תרומות כי שם נגעל מגן גיבורים מגן שאול בלי משיח בשמן. מדם חללים מחלב גיבורים קשת יהונתן לא נשוג אחור וחרב שאול לא תשוב ריקם. שאול ויהונתן הנאהבים והנעימים בחייהם ובמותם לא נפרדו מנשרים קלו מאריות גברו. בנות ישראל אל שאול בכינה המלבישכם שני עם עדנים המעלה עדי זהב על לבושכן. איך נפלו גיבורים בתוך המלחמה יהונתן על במותיך חלל. צר לי עליך אחי יהונתן נעמת לי מאד נפלאתה אהבתך לי מאהבת נשים. איך נפלו גיבורים ויאבדו כלי מלחמה.

  4. @anisraeliyid

    You started off your comment by condemning someone for their motzi shem ra and then you ended off your comment with your own motzi shem ra…

  5. @A – Motzi Shem Ra is stating something defamatory that is false. The first part of my comment was aimed at someone who repeatedly has falsely claimed that the IDF deliberately sends Frum soldiers to be killed rather than non-Frum – for which I called him out.

    The last part was aimed at those who casually refer to what they do as “Mesirus Nefesh”, even when there is no danger involved – which I contrasted accurately (though rather snarkily, I admit) with those who are truly Moser Nefesh. You may not like it, but it most certainly is not Motzi Shem Ra.

    an Israeli Yid

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