IDF Drafts First 50 Chareidi Soldiers To New Chashmonean Brigade

The IDF on Sunday announced the drafting of the first 50 Charedi soldiers into the newly established Chashmonean Brigade, marking a new era in integrating more Charedim into military service.

The soldiers will form the brigade’s inaugural company, while an additional 100 older Charedi men have been drafted into the brigade’s first reserve unit. These reservists, having previously completed basic training under the Shlav Bet program for older recruits, will now undergo six months of combat training before joining the Chashmonean Brigade’s reserve forces.

The IDF plans to continue expanding the brigade, with more recruits expected in the coming months. This initiative aims to address operational needs driven by the ongoing war.

To accommodate the recruits, the IDF renovated a training base to align with the strict Charedi observance of halacha and recruited staff accordingly. The brigade will be led by Col. Avinoam Emunah, a frum senior officer.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

22 Responses

  1. Garenteed none of them will keep any torah, the army Israel entire existence is that first comes the physical world and then the spiritual and anything they live with the next rest of life has this embedded in them that there wasn’t anything real other than themselves, the chabad people have this thing that the rebbi is the higher power like a collectivism not a personal God even that won’t survive there, can you eat pig and then learn Gemara the Israeli army is this and that is the air that they breath if you can go without breathing you can stay torah observant there, they bases of Judaism is like some latkes first there isn’t anything sincere nobody existed that said Torah is first and only that, and to have real faith in God as measuring every aspect of life even in the dark of the night, forget about it none of them will even keep kosher, trust us, the blood of that military is the darkest of evils nobody can imagine

  2. @somejewiknow
    What is your definition of chareidi? Because according to the standard definition, orthodox, they are most definitely chareidi.

  3. The worst part about this is that the IDF is going to go running around crowing how they got more “charadim” whatever that means, into the army. They’re being played for a bunch of fools.

  4. Hasmonean is the exact opposite of this, of course. The Hasmoneans fought against Hellenism, while the Zionists are orders of magnitude worse than the Hellenists.

    Typical shmad of the Zionists to name this unit after its opposite, like calling their “State” Jewish.

  5. If you truly believe that the merit of Torah Study [Limmud HaTorah] is the ONLY thing that we Jews need to protect us from genocidal Muslim terrorists, then you should PROVE IT by establishing a yeshivah in Lebanon and another yeshivah in Damascus [Syria].

    Both Lebanon and Damascus are Halachically part of Eretz Yisrael.

    You will NEVER do this, because you know that without the protection of THE ISRAELI ARMY, both yeshivahs would soon be: killed, murdered, massacred, destroyed, annihilated and exterminated, and not even one Jew would remain alive.

    Pesachim 64B clearly teaches that “it is forbidden to rely on miracles”:
    תלמוד בבלי מסכת פסחים דף סד/ב
    תנן: ולא סמכינן אניסא

    If a yeshivah were established in Lebanon or Damascus, where The Israeli Army cannot protect them, then those yeshivahs would violate the prohibition against relying on miracles.

    In year 1929 of Common Era, 67 righteous students of the Chevron Yeshivah (HYD) were brutally murdered by wicked bloodthirsty Muslims.

    Those righteous students (HYD) had the merit of Torah Study, but without the Israeli Army to protect them, they were all brutally murdered.

    May G*D avenge every one of them, at least 50,000 times.

  6. Do you think the chashmonaim would of fought in the idf or would they of fought the idf?

    Doesn’t it say in al hanisim al yedei kohanecha hakedoshim?

    I’m just asking for a friend

  7. @somejewiknow how do you define chareidi?

    If it aligns with the definition of “adheres to a life of Torah and Mitzvot to the fullest extent of the Shulchan Aruch”, then what disqualifies these guys from being chareidi just based on the fact that they have their silly opinions scrawled on their yarmulkes?

  8. Will the officers be Hareidi? If not, how is this different from such units as the “native” units of the colonial-error armies, or the “colored” units in the American army during the Civil War and the world wars???

    The whole Israel is a miracle. Every aspect of it.
    There is an army without the Chareidim. The army doesn’t need the Chareidim. The army survives on the limud torah of the Chareidim. nobody is saying to abolish the army. Just leave the Chareidim alone.

    Why do you continue to post nonsense?
    No, you don’t make yeshivos in dangerous places (places that were made dangerous by Zionism and its cataclysmic invasion of the area, as it happens). That has nothing to do with the lack of the Zionist army and everything to do with following the Torah. The den of shmad and all three of the gimmel chamuros only makes matters worse, not better. Only a heretic could claim otherwise.

    Since you brought it up: The Chevron Pogrom was a direct result of Zionism (Rabbi Kook’s approval of the antagonism of the Arabs by Zionists and against the British requests..), so be careful how you pray for their deaths to be avenged.

    It’s pathetic that Zionists are so brainwashed by their idol that they don’t know the basic history.

  11. Chabad is but charedi ! Chabad is even not judaïsm ! Chabad is avoda Zara and erev rav so they are welcome to join the zionist army !

  12. bless these beautiful heroes…..our Torah only needs eyes of yidden…..if these heroes are here then Hashem blessed it..

  13. Dear HaKatan,

    I hope that you feel very well.
    I hope that you are safe and warm.

    PLEASE STOP saying that Muslim nations were safe for Jews before the Zionists.

    In truth, the Muslim nations were NEVER safe for Jews, even before the Zionists.

    PLEASE STOP blaming Jews (including Zionists) for problems in The Middle East.

    Instead, you should blame fanatical brainwashed genocidal Muslim terrorists.

    I wish you a happy and successful day.


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