Israel: Gaydamak Saves Elderly PA Resident

Tulkarem resident Fayez Alahmed, 78, suffered a heart attack on Friday while praying in al-Aqsa Mosque in Yerushalayim. He was transported to Bikur Cholim Hospital, which is owned by Arkadi Gaydamak, and it was determined that he needs a cardiac catheterization, which hospital officials explained cost NIS 50,000. Fayez explained he is uninsured and does not have that type of money and would just return home.

Gaydamak was consulted and told officials that he would cover the cost of the treatment, giving physicians the green light to perform the catheterization. Fayez is reported in good condition.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Yes, “Z”, very nice, but what would happen to the average Jew in the same situation. One would hope he/she would also get the necessary care, even without it being a public relations/political correctness issue.

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