Attorney-General: “Draft Law Must Include Personal Sanctions Against Bnei Yeshivos”

Yeshivas Ponevezh (Photo: Shuki Lehrer)

Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara, who can’t seem to stop herself from interfering with anything that smacks of religion, sent a letter of warning to Defense Minister Yisrael Katz on Thursday afternoon, informing him that any Chareidi draft law that he formulates without her input will be found “illegal.”

In the letter, Baharav-Miara complained that the law has not been presented to her and is liable to be “against the law” and any Chareidi draft law without personal sanctions against Bnei Torah “is irrelevant”

She claimed that her opinion is based on the fact that the Chareidi recruitment law that was formulated in the previous Knesset is no longer relevant following the October 7 attack.

Government Secretary Yossi Fuchs responded by stating: “The Knesset and the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee have excellent legal counselors and they will determine whether the law meets the required criteria, not the Attoreny-General.”

Defense Minister Katz and senior IDF leadership officials held a meeting on Tuesday about forming a plan to draft Chareidim, with Katz saying: “Our goal is to draft up to 50% of eligible Charedi men within seven years.”

However, Ynet reported on Thursday that senior Agudas Yisrael officials said that they will not agree to such a large amount of Bnei Torah being drafted and will not hesitate to fight the government in order to defend Olam HaTorah.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. On the rivers of Babylon there we sat and they said sing us a song from Zion how can we on nechar soil and the medrash says that they all bit off there thumbs with the mouth they can’t play the harp if the yeshivos do this they can’t hold a gun maybe there is some kind of injury like biting the thumb that might last a year and then heal but they not only won’t take them to the army but they might resign and scoot

  2. Anyone who can’t plainly see that they need to do judicial reform in EY is completely blind. There should be absolutely positively no reason why this unelected bureaucrat is mixing herself into country laws. Just because she doesn’t like it. Well you know something, you don’t like it, drop dead! No one asked you.

  3. All the deranged wicked efforts of the left against the far right will all fail on their own just like we saw in the United States.

    Evil can not help or control themselves and their actions end up all counterproductive and not accomplishing their intended goal

  4. When will they issue “personal sanctions” against the A-G who by defying Knesset decisions is acting “against the law”. If anything is “illegal”, its her interference in the democratically elected government.

  5. Anything against the Rothschild referee center (aka supreme court, designed and built by Rothschild, with plenty blatant Freemason symbols inside and out), is against “the” law. Rothschild’s law.
    Meir Amshel Rothschild said: “Permit me to issue the money and I care not who makes the laws.”
    Fiat money isn’t money, it’s a control tool.
    That’s why they have the power to sanction when people don’t dance to their beat.
    If we wake up, call out the system for what it is, and refuse to comply, we can break it.

  6. If the Chareidi anti-Zionists truly believe that the merit of Torah Study [Limmud HaTorah] is the ONLY thing that protects us Jews from genocidal Muslim terrorists, then they should PROVE IT by establishing a yeshivah in Lebanon and another yeshivah in Damascus [Syria].

    Both Lebanon and Damascus are Halachically part of Eretz Yisrael.

    They will NEVER do this, because they know that without the protection of THE ISRAELI ARMY, both yeshivahs would soon be: killed, murdered, massacred, destroyed, annihilated and exterminated, and not even one Jew would remain alive.

    Pesachim 64B clearly teaches that “it is forbidden to rely on miracles”:
    תלמוד בבלי מסכת פסחים דף סד/ב
    תנן: ולא סמכינן אניסא

    If a yeshivah were established in Lebanon or Damascus, where The Israeli Army cannot protect them, then those yeshivahs would violate the prohibition against relying on miracles.

  7. “However, Ynet reported on Thursday that senior Agudas Yisrael officials said that they will not agree to such a large amount of Bnei Torah being drafted and will not hesitate to fight the government in order to defend Olam HaTorah.”

    Of course, all the gedolim, going all the way to the beginning of the abomination to G-d that is the Zionist “State”, never permitted even one ben Torah to be drafted into/shmaded in the Zionist army.

    As Rav Steinman once told a boy who wanted to go via a “religious” IDF program, “No matter which program you use, you will come out a total goy”.

  8. Rav Shach, ztl, once said that there would come a time when they will try to draft all the Yeshiva bochurim, and when that happens the only thing to do will be to send them all abroad.

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