The IDF recently arrested 240 Hamas terrorists in and near the Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabiliya in northern Gaza after the terror group once again took advantage of a humanitarian site for terror purposes.
It was the third time that the IDF carried out a counterterrorism operation in Kamal Adwan Hospital, along with numerous counterterrorism operations in other hospitals, such as Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.
This time, the IDF sealed Kamal Adwan off entirely, stating that the hospital “has become a Hamas terror base.”
Predictably, although Hamas’ use of hospitals, ambulances, schools, and refugee centers in Gaza is a well-known and documented fact, international media outlets immediately began publishing distorted reports about Israel storming the “last functioning hospital in northern Gaza and detaining patients and staff,” i.e terrorists. A social media campaign was even launched calling for the release of the hospital’s director, who was detained by the IDF for alleged terror activities.
It should be noted that before the operation, the IDF evacauted hundreds of patients and staff to the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza.

As Jerusalem Post military analyst Seth Frantzman wrote: “The multiple battles at this same hospital and the area around it reveal two things. Hamas always returns to these areas. It often returns almost immediately. It knows the IDF comes and goes and it waits and returns. Each time it may lose dozens of men, but it doesn’t matter to Hamas. It recruits and returns. Each time it is the same cycle. The clashes around this hospital in the winter of 2023 are the same as in the winter of 2024.”
“Very little has changed. There is little evidence that much will change. The Hamas control of medical facilities is part of the fabric and status quo of Gaza. International organizations never mention the presence of gunmen in and around the hospitals. They never mention how Hamas infiltrates the area. They have an unspoken agreement never to mention the presence of Hamas. This enables Hamas to continue using hospitals.”
International urban warfare expert John Spencer, one of the few brave non-Jewish individuals who speaks against media outlets’ constant lies about Israel, told Maariv that Hamas has turned Gaza’s entire healthcare system into a terror apparatus, saying that according to the research he has conducted from the first day of the war, Hamas did not leave one hospital untouched by terror activities and the phenomenon has only increased since then.
Spencer, who is the head of the Urban Warfare Department at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point, stressed that the IDF’s operations in Gaza hospitals are completely legal as international law explicitly bans the use of hospitals to shield military elements from attack.
Spencer added that the IDF uses unique tactics to protect civilians while evacuating patients and staff from hospitals by using advanced facial recognition techniques to nab Hamas terrorists who dress up as patients – using crutches or wheelchairs – or even disguising themselves as fathers holding sick babies.
“The IDF’s rapid intelligence techniques and operational execution are quite remarkable,” Spencer said.
Spencer added: “The fact that the Red Cross, the World Health Organization, and the UN condemn Israel for searches in hospitals while never condemning Hamas for using hospitals in the first place is alarming. This creates a global perception that hospitals are entirely immune to military action, sending a message to terrorist organizations that using hospitals is an effective, albeit illegal, military strategy.”
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)