Hamas Sending Mixed Messages Regarding Shalit

Hamas terrorist officials based in Gaza over the weekend sent mixed messages regarding negotiating efforts towards the release of captive IDF soldier Gilad Shalit.

Messages from Gaza indicate the talks are frozen at present, for an indefinite period of time, while other statements point to Hamas satisfaction over Egyptian mediation efforts, acting as a third-party mediator between Israel and the Hamas regime in Gaza.

Following the implementation of the Regev-Goldwasser prisoner exchange deal between Israel and Hizbullah, followed by ‘good-will’ prisoner releases by Israel to strengthen the political base of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), Hamas has announced the price for Shalit’s release has increased significantly.

To date, Israel’s cabinet has rejected the list of some 400 names presented by Hamas, with the terror organization repeating that until Israel agrees to release the terrorists, Shalit will remain captive, “for 20 years if need be”. Cabinet officials have indicated that Israel has agreed to about 70 names appearing on Hamas’ list.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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